Hi all, I have been reviewing the threads about removing inquiries from TU,EX and EQX and yesterday I decided to try the "collectman method" with CSS (EQX provider in my area) with several inquiries from non existing tradelines,,, since I read that disputing inquiries from existing TL could make dissapear the whole account from your CR,,, I decided to wait for advise,, is that true? I would love to get rid several inquiries from my oldest Credit Card bank institution,, but I fear if I dispute them I could make dissapear my oldest tradeline and by doing that - damaging my credit score,, so please let me know if that can be done or not,,, Also, I know that contacting the original Creditor to remove inquiries in maybe the way to go, but since I want to save in mail fees and time, how it can be done - disputing inquiries - with TU and EXP... I have TrueC and I update my report in a daily basis and I see that my inquiries dissapear after 2 years,,, but is maybe another way to do it? any tips or advise will be appreciate it. Thanks!
First of all, are they hard or soft inquiries? If they're soft, you don't even need to worry about them.
hard inquiries I am pretty sure they are hard inq since they are showed to everyone and has this "permissible purpose",,, not like soft that are only showed to me. I know that soft inq doesnt affect the score,,,,, so any way to get rid of them online instead of mailing letters of dispute to the credit B like TU or EXP.....? I tried with CSS with equifax yesterday but no clue with TU and experian. Thanks!
I am sure you have read about the success some people have had disputing inquiries with Equifax online. You might have also heard about the fraud alerts some people have had put on all three bureaus because they disputed legitimate inquiries. Funny how most of the people who dispute inquiries have FICO scores in the 500's. You would do better working on real problems on credit reports. Inquiries are minor. Do not do it.