What to send.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mark1, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. mark1

    mark1 Member

    Ok. two letters for payment today from Midland financial. Both accounts were bought by them last year. both original accounts are beyond the 3 yr SOL. they reported them as new accounts from the time they bought them, so the debt occurs twice on my credit report. I need to know the steps I need to take. Send a validation letter on each one? Thanks
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    I'd send the letters,have you had any call's from them.Send them a cease and desist letter to.
  3. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Don't DO anything, unless they sue you - in which case you can raise the SOL defense.
  4. mark1

    mark1 Member

    Which should I do. I would rather they knew I was going to fight it from the first so they might leave me alone now rather than having to deal with alot more later.
  5. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Read the post midland funding.They don't care if you fight them.they want to bully you into paying hoping they'l go away.do nothing.

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