Only paying the minimum. Being late Not knowing how much you owe Using a cash advance to pay the minimum Getting increased credit lines to use money so you can pay utilities rent car payments... Woofer
Maybe if you HAVE to, but just the fact that you charge groceries or fast food does not mean you have debt problems. I seldom carry cash. Everything goes on the credit card (yes, including groceries and often fast food). I get reward points of some sort (airline miles, a rebate on my card, Marriott Rewards points, etc) for every dollar I spend. So put it on the card and pay the bill when it comes and you get more than you spent.
that's what i meant if you have to then you have a you i never carry cash,either a debit card or now a credit card.not wise to carry cash if your out much in a larger city.i carry 10 dollars that's it mad money makes me feel rich.
Like you if I use my BoA card I get money back that goes into my savings account. So today I use my card for groceries, gas, dog food and flowers. I can afford to pay cash, just like the convenience of using a card and having my monthly bill as good accounting,some of which I need for tax deductions. Woofer