Car Towed, fees with a CA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Airborne_G, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Airborne_G

    Airborne_G New Member

    My vehicle was put up for sale in a ACE's Hardware Parking Lot. I tried moving it after they told me they were going to have it removed themselves (which involved a forklift and putting it in the street). Well now I got a letter from a CA stating that the account was referred to them by the original creditor.
    My question is:

    OC (towing company) NEVER notified me of my vehicle being in their possession. Do I have any legal grounds to have the account sent back to the OC and prevent this from being reported?

    I appreciate the info. I'm also in the military if this helps.

  2. TeeVeeDude

    TeeVeeDude Well-Known Member

    So your car got towed and you just... abandoned it? You didn't ask the hardware store where your car went? You didn't report it as stolen?

    The mind boggles.
  3. Airborne_G

    Airborne_G New Member

    I didn't think the question was mind boggling.
    Back to the Original question. (see first post)
  4. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    They don't have to notify you.You would contact the local pd to see if they had it towed most cities have a contract with towing services the cop's call they tow your screwed now you have towing fee's and storage fee's.You pay all that you get your car back,or you can let them keep it and pay on your credit report.So you learn a hard lesson how city laws work.
  5. Airborne_G

    Airborne_G New Member

    Thanks for the answer....
  6. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    I wasn't trying to be negative but must of us post from personal things that have happen to us.You get where you hate ca's and the goons that work for them who almost always cross the line.I've been cussed, the point where you don't care anymore.
  7. Airborne_G

    Airborne_G New Member

    No I appreciate the answer. At least its an answer ,you're not criticizing. I'm going to have to pay it. But I would rather deal with the OC than a CA.
    Thanks Again.
  8. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Before you pay anyone, anything, be sure to try and negotiate removal of any negative credit report entries.
  9. GatorMike

    GatorMike Member

    I am as new to this as you are, just joined yesterday but I had a similar situation. I mentioned in my first post ever here that I only had 3 negative acounts on my reports and one of them was totally bogus which I quickly had deleted no problems.

    Well, that bogus acount was a $1,200 towing bill. A little different situation, I had sold the car 2 years before it was towed and the buyer abandoned it on the side of the road, it turned out he had never registered it in his name and they came after me. Before they notified me there were already $1200 in storage fees and I informed them I didn't own the car. It turns out in the state of Florida ownership doesn't change until the title is registered so truth is technically I did own the car.

    I found out from a friend that works for a towing company that the towing company has the responsibility to try to recoup their losses any way possible. I informed them that since I didn't claim to own the car I couldn't provide them title but I expected them to go to the DMV and try to get the title transfered if they couldn't find the new owner. Apearantly they just junked the car and sent the bill to Ricken Backer collections in California.

    Rickenbacker had it put on my credit reports as a collection acount. When I pulled my credit report the other day I imediatly called Rickenbacker and they were quite nasty to me on the phone. From the way they acted i figured they would never back off. I disputed it with all 3 credit reporting agencies and to my supprise within 3 days all 3 came back deleted. All I can figure is although Rickenbacker tried to play hardball with me they must not have had any legal claim to collect, otherwise why would they have deleted so quickly?

    This was my first experience with a credit dispute and it sorta tells me some of these collection companies are scumbags who are going to try to make you feel like you owe them something even if you don't. I could be reading them wrong but it just seems from my first experience if they are not 100% on the up & up they will tuck their tails and run as soon as you dispute them.
  10. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    To the OP--since you're in the military, talk to the JAG office and see if you have any protection by being military.

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