Question for the CA savvy people (fake info sent to CA)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by intel, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. intel

    intel Member

    A company who charges in advances for services, that you decide to not pay for next month and they refuse to cancel sells the account for $0.20 or so on the dollar to a collection agency.

    The information the "company" has about you is about 80% inaccurate, the address is fake, phone number is out of the country and your first name is a nickname.

    With all that said, can a collection really screw up your credit or send you to court?
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    If you do that you'll be singing the folsom blues before's have some very good skip tracer's
  3. intel

    intel Member

    how about if the "creditor" has the wrong information as well. Can I claim incorrect information on the original debts?

    Here's a kicker, the "creditor" send me a screenshot of their billing program to my email, which shows all the invoices as "PAID" with "Amount due: $0.00".

    I am just looking to protect my only asset (car) if the CA finds me.

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