I disputed three accounts that were all held by the same collection agency that I have already paid off in hopes that I could get them removed completely from my report. I sent the DV letters to all three CRA's and TU has sent me a letter basically stating their procedure. The summary is that they contact the source of information (the creditor) and is told about the dispute and that the creditor needs to verify it. Then they update the information and send you a summary of results at the conclusion of the investigation. Then it says something that is somewhat confusing - "If you have any questions regarding the results of the investigation, please contact the creditor directly". Why are they saying that when they just said that they would provide you with a summary of results? Although, after that sentence, there is a one line paragraph that reads "Re: Verification Documents not Available" Is that the summary of results? If so, does that mean that they are going to delete it because there is no documentation about the accounts? After that, the rest of the letter states that they store information as it is supplied by the creditors and that they are required to invesitgate and record the current status of the information when it is disputed. Also, that they do not provide the dispute verification responses from the creditors and if I want written verification about my account, that I need to contact the creditor directly. If all of this makes sense to you or you have received a letter like this, do I need to get written verification from the creditor? If so, does that mean that I need to send out DV letters to the creditor or should I just send them a copy of the letter that I received from TU and request that they remove the accounts? Hopefully all of this makes sense. Thanks for the help...
Your post does make sense. What is happening is that the CRAs are too lazy to really investigate. They're expecting YOU to do the legwork and have the creditor/collection agency correct the information.
So, do I need to send a letter to the collection agency asking for DV? If so, can I put all three accounts on the same letter since they are all held with the same CA? Thanks!
Send three separate letters noting the different account numbers. Those collection goons aren't exactly the most intelligent folks.