Trial next week. JDB in Maryland

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdbarescum, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. jdbarescum

    jdbarescum New Member

    Heres the thing, I was served and I filed my intention to defend. Thats it! I thought that the trial date was the day that I go in and explain my side which would be my answer and then do any discovery or ask to dismiss.
    In Maryland you have to answer the complaint before filing the intention to defend and file discoveries within 10 days after. All motions filed are held for 10 days before the judge gets to see it.
    Since I have done nothing other than stated that I intend to defend, what can I do at the trial that might prevent this scum from collecting.
    It is a credit card debt that is within the SOL. The JDB filed suit with the complaint, signed affidavit (by an employee of the plaintiff), bill of sale from one JDB to the current JDB, an interest work sheet that they printed up themselves and a copy of a credit card agreement that was dated after the alleged account was charged off.
    There are no other documents.
    I have been reading the RCP for my area and that was how I found out all that I have but since I did not follow the RCP is there anything that I can do at the trial or do I just show up and bend over for them?
  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Seems to me that you have one or more causes of action against them in federal court which is likely to be much more effective than anything you might do in local court.
  3. jdbarescum

    jdbarescum New Member

    Heres the thing, I was served and I filed my intention to defend. Thats it! I thought that the trial date was the day that I go in and explain my side which would be my answer and then do any discovery or ask to dismiss.
    In Maryland you have to answer the complaint before filing the intention to defend and file discoveries within 10 days after. All motions filed are held for 10 days before the judge gets to see it.
    Since I have done nothing other than stated that I intend to defend, what can I do at the trial that might prevent this scum from collecting.
    It is a credit card debt that is within the SOL. The JDB filed suit with the complaint, signed affidavit (by an employee of the plaintiff), bill of sale from one JDB to the current JDB, an interest work sheet that they printed up themselves and a copy of a credit card agreement that was dated after the alleged account was charged off.
    There are no other documents.
    I have been reading the RCP for my area and that was how I found out all that I have but since I did not follow the RCP is there anything that I can do at the trial or do I just show up and bend over for them?
  4. jdbarescum

    jdbarescum New Member

    Tomorrow is the big day.
  5. jdbarescum

    jdbarescum New Member

    Atty said he didn't want to settle and to step into His court room so he could have His judge rule me.

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