Bankruptcy or not?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by warminghut, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    What you need to do is to take all the post's and go through them and set a course of action.Let's face it at $118 a week it doesn't leave much for anything other than rent.Yes you can call your creditors and explain the problem's that you are going through and ask for a hardship rating.First take a deep breath maybe do something you enjoy.Then start working on repairing your life.No matter what you've been told this will pass.Been there done that.My credit score has gone from 497 to 661 in a little over a year.The future is not bleak,it's repairable,sure there will be a knock on your record,but there's going to be a lot of people in the same way.
  2. warminghut

    warminghut Member

    Many thanks to the last few that have offered experiences and advice. I've done other research as well, and I've come to believe that it's best for me to avoid bk, and even if it takes me 6 months or 1 year to get back on track, hopefully in 3 or 4 years I can be on solid ground and not forced to live with the bk for another 6 or 7 years.
  3. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Good luck and keep us posted and of you need more advice [lease asked agaon

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