being sued....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jet0911, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. jet0911

    jet0911 Member

    I just got docs from an attorney that I need to respond to. They included a couple of couples of old credit card statements and a couple of letters from Bank of America assigning the debt to Hilco Receivables. I am being sued by a local attorney (Minnesota) on behalf of Calvary Portfolio Services.

    Any thoughts??

  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Obviously you will need to respond to the complaint within a certain number of days. If it were me being sued I would use a sworn graduated denial statement as a response. I'd file that with the court as my response along with a notice of appearance as a Pro Se. Then I'd send a copy of those along with a demand for admissions containing about 40 to 60 demands that they admit to whatever I wanted to admit to. The first half of the questions would be demands that they admit to things they would most likely be willing to admit to The second half would be direct contradictions of the first half. For instance, the first demand might be
    Then demand #21 would say
    Then demand #2 might say
    Demand #22 would then say
    Enough questions like that just might get them to goof up somewhere along the line.
    Then I'd also send a demand for validation and a certificate of mailing and the battle is on.

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