
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sheilav, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. sheilav

    sheilav Member

    i have a friend that is had a bankruptcy and it was discharge. on her credit the bureau is not showing the accounts were included in the bk. she sent a letter to TransUnion demanding it to be corrected. well she received a letter back stating they wanted her to provide them with the discharge paper and the list of schedule of creditors that were included in the bk.

    My question is: Is it okay for her to send it to them?

    another thing she requested verification documents on another account that is showing on her credit which does not belong to her. she was told they do not store information in their records as it was supplied to them by the creditors.

    what should she do in regards to disputing an account that is not hers?
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    1.yes she can send the discharge papers
    2.The cra's only report what;s sent to them,so she needs to send a dispute to the creditor.
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    If you want to self-verify each of those accounts, and have no chance of deletion, you should send the BK papers. Its not your job to do Trans Union's job. They need to go back to the original creditor and either have them updated, or if they can't then delete them.

    That's right - the credit bureaus do not have to verify - she needs to write the furnisher of the information for documents.
  4. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    My bankruptcy discharge was official Jan 19. Just pulled my credit on all 3 bureaus to be sure that they were being reported correctly. Found 2 on mine and 3 on husbands that didn't have "included in bankruptcy".
    I online disputed the same day and by the next morning they deleted all 5 items. I was shocked. I have never had that much ease with disputing anything. (TransUnion). As for equifax, I have disputed the same items but haven't heard anything yet on those (same as transunion report) and for experian they are reporting everything correctly.
    I wasn't asked to verify anything. Good luck!!

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