I'm posting this to say if i offended anyone,I'm sorry my concern was for the newbie and her health.At no time was it meant to be personal to anyone on this forum,there are some posts i don't agree with as there has been mine that members didn't agree with.That's why its called a forum and the rules should be obeyed.This site has really helped a lot of people without a lot of bs.
It was from a couple of days ago.And i think everyone got carried away and we went off of what the lady was trying to get help on.
It did go south and it did cause grave damage to the boards membership which most have not noticed or found out about as of yet and most likely never will. I'm not going to elaborate but some observation over time should reveal what I am seeing to almost anyone. It isn't hard to figure out and is right there for anyone to see for themselves.
You mean someone got pissed off on a consumer message board? Wow . . . who'd have thunk it. FWIW JJ, I've always found you to be reasonable, sound, and generally, funny as hell. These boards are meant to give "good" information and some just can't take being corrected when they are wrong. There are whole boards compiled of these folks. Conversely, this board is full of people who give sound advice and the admins aren't afraid to take out the garbage.
I am certain that over the years many posters have become greatly disturbed for whatever reason. Most of the message boards out there have been started by people who became disgruntled with this board and thought they could do better. A great many of those boards have been started because their owners got banned from here for a multitude of reasons. Most of the users that got banned and started their own boards had quite a few followers who thought highly of those who were banned and so this board lost not only the one they banned but usually a great many of those who liked that person a great deal. Back when I had my own message board known as Cap1sucks I never banned anyone except those who were peddling porn or various medications such as Viagra and others. I didn't have vbulletin so I didn't have the control needed to ban them efficiently. They would always find another way on the board so in the end I had to just close it down because I didn't have the tools to do the job effectively and didn't think the whole project was worth spending the money to get Vbulletin. Since then I've been so busy with my job I wouldn't have time to start another board even if I wanted to. Anyway, with all the boards out there now who needs another one?
Ditto!Don't forget Monday is tea party day,Because of the price of tea bring used tea bags,or fish food.
Seems to me there are two good boards on the periperiphy. This one and IC. CB is good for many purposes but, for legal related issues and the nuts and bolts of credit restoration, no. In addition, their admins take everything personally and can't stand to be corrected. DB, well, they actually scare me although their founder can be an okay guy at times.
Credit boards helped me a LOT many moons ago, and there are several posters that know their stuff VERY WELL. I won an NAF because of help over there with just two posters. Problem over there it is SO busy that a question can get lost and for me I just cannot keep up with ALL the postings. Thankfully I could email several of the posters who would ALWAYS be there to help me with a case. They DO like to keep things VERY VERY on board and one off remark can put them over ; ) Works for me though as like I wrote they have helped me a lot. DB well PLEASE that is the SYBIL board of any group/board I have ever been on, and you just never know who you are posting to, as they do have many aliases. I disagree about the owner over there being a good guy... Had problems and many that used to be on there know that their emails were read and their passwords used. Amazing to me also how you cannot view the board UNLESS YOU REGISTER!. Caveat to any and all that are tempted to go over there.. Do a search and see what has happened in the past with members from there. Woofer
Wouldn't like to make a little bet on that now would you woofer? If so, I'm willing to bet that I can get all the content, latest posts and all their material constantly updated without ever having registered or logged into their board and put it almost anywhere for the public to read. I can plaster it on all of the social networks such as friendster, friendfeed, facebook, twitter, digg, delicious, blogs, web sites, wikis and just about anywhere and make that constantly updated too. Furthermore, they won't be able to stop it without taking the whole board off the internet. Anybody can do it once they know how. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to take it that far because I wouldn't want to be guilty of subjecting the internet to that much garbage. Not too pretty, is it?
I can get in the backdoor as well, and will rephrase what I wrote. YOU NEED TO REGISTER TO POST like most boards, HOWEVER of of course there are ways to read what is going on over there. I have read posts over there not even wanting to as they just pop up in searches. If you know how to read and post and go to the board to see ALL the postings like we can do here, do tell. Me, there is NO WAY I would visit the board as they do track the ISP and more, or they try to. YMMV Woofer
I'm not talking about their stuff occasionally popping up in searches. Me, there is NO WAY I would visit the board as they do track the ISP and more, or they try to. Woofer[/quote]They can't track anything the way I do it. Learn to do RSS feeds and you won't have to. You can set up feeds for any web site even if they don't have any provision for RSS feeds. You can set up an rss feed for any web site even if they don't want anybody to be able to do it. There isn't any way to block an RSS feed daemon without blocking a whole range of I.P. addresses and if you try to block a whole range of I.P. addresses you had best know exactly what your are doing or you will block a whole lot more than you bargained for. An example of that is that there are a great number of foreign I.P. addresses that are actually based in the U.S. servers and a great number of them that are U.S. servers actually based in other countries. It is no problem to block the first 255 computers from any given I.P. address no matter where they are based. You can usually block or ban the second block of I.P. addresses and stop an even greater number computers from getting on your site but if you go further than that you could be blocking or banning a goodly portion of the entire U.S. I found that out the hard way from trying to ban all the porn bots when I used to have my message board. Even though I banned them correctly by I.P. so that I didn't block any U.S. I.P. addresses they just used another proxy and they were right back again. The bots can even defeat captchas and almost any other security device you can put in place. They can automatically generate user names, passwords and respond to the confirmation emails and do it all in a few minutes at most. They can be as bad or worse than virus even though they do no harm to anybody's system. So by using RSS feeds I can easily keep up with anything happening on this or any other message board I choose to monitor. Once those RSS bots are in place I can then propagate them to anywhere I choose and do it all automatically without ever having to do anything more with them. Anybody can do the same once they know how.