Hi. I'm seventeen, will be 18 in October. I received something from a collection agency in the mail the other day... ...so I freaked out. I managed to get my credit report from Experian and I have a Chase account charged off and a Capital One account charged off...and listed as deceased. I'm not dead and I didn't open these accounts. I'm thinking somehow my information was used fraudulently... I was able to contact one of the collection agencies and get information out of them...Social Security number is mine, birthdate is mine except the year is 1984 instead of 1991...not cool. There are also several 'hits' on my report from Verizon Wireless for some reason. I disputed the two credit accounts online and for the reason, I chose 'other' and for the explanation I gave that I am underage and have no knowledge of these accounts. My FICO, apparently, is 526: not good, especially because I'm too young to have credit and I didn't do any of this. ...Did I do the right thing? How do I proceed...?
File a police report for identity theft. Then send a copy of the report to the CRAs and tell them all accounts under your name are fraudulent and you are still a minor.
Okay. Will I be totally screwed when I actually do need credit or even something as simple as a cell phone when I am 18+? What does the dispute process do and will my submitting disputes online help anything?
That's probably about the size of it. I know a young man who had his identity stolen and the thief got a cellphone account from T-mobile using the false identity. When the young man reached 18 he wanted a cellphone and couldn't get one because of the identity theft. He is 26 now and his credit is still bad because of that one problem. He even found out where the thief lived and drove by their house. It was the home of a Mexican family and there were several cars in the yard so who was it in that family who did the theft? Filing a police report did him no good at all. He finally got a cellphone from Cricket because they don't do any credit checks but he can't get anything else on credit. He disputed with the credit bureaus and T-Mobil verified and that was about all he could ever get done.
You can put a freeze on your accounts so if they try again the credit bureaus have to call you.I would write the cra's and go through your problem talk to a supervisior.As for who did it look towards a friend rather than a stranger.But you have to file a police report and a fraud alert.Look on the bright side you can buy beer and go to bars now that that they changed your birthday.
Just thought I'd update... I filed online disputes with Experian *the only agency that would let me pull my report online* The Chase account seems to be GONE! The Capital One account is still there though... One down, one to go! Then I'll pursue it with the other agencies...
Have you followed the advice given you earlier about filing a police report? If not then I would strongly advise that you do so. I would also strongly advise that you also do some online research into identity theft and what victims should do and do all that you can to carry it as far as you possibly can, reporting it to any agency that has any authority in such matters. I might also suggest that you use the 100 word statement with the credit bureaus to say that you are under 18 and also state that your 18th birthday will be on whatever date you will actually be 18. Be sure to keep copies of all that you do. Undeserved bad credit isn't the only adversity that identity theft victims can suffer. Even though you have proven that the debts aren't yours and you didn't run up those debts you can still be sued by some debt collector years from now. If you don't have the documentation you develop now you could end up losing in a court battle and get stuck and have to pay for the debts. Your credit could be ruined all over again. That is a lesson many adults end up learning the hard way. They work hard and get their credit fixed and think they won the battle but end up getting sued and their hard work goes down the drain very quickly. It may not happen to you and it probably won't but don't take chances. Keep careful records and be sure to keep them in a safe place such as at your parents home. Keep duplicate copies in different places such as not only having a copy at your parents home but when you go to college or move somewhere away from your parents home take copies with you. If you don't do that you might end up wishing you had.
Well... Now there's a Midland collection account Re: the Chase account. Will I ever be able to get these things off and dealt with!?
Midland is the scum of collectors,so your going to need to stay on top of this.You might consult with an attorney!Have you filed a fraud report?
Yes. And I called Midland (from a prepaid phone; I am paranoid) and they said that if I fax in a letter accompanied by proof that I am underage they'll "remove the tradeline and send a deletion letter." We'll see. I will be faxing in my birth certificate and Social Security card soon. But...my SS card is signed, and I'm paranoid of a CA having my signature.
Just copy it and block out your sig with a small piece of paper.then fax the copy.Your not paranoid they where after you.lol
Midland is gone, at least from my Experian report. The only thing on there now is Capital One. I will try to get my TU and EQ reports...I can't do it online...