The Dark Side of FICO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cap1sucks, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Most people think that FICO only provides a scoring model but for debt collectors there is another side of FICO that very few consumers know anything about. The fact is that FICO provides a program known as Debt manager 7 which gives debt collectors far more information about you than you ever dreamed they might have. Click on my links in my signature line and watch the demo video of what Debt Manager 7 is all about and what it does for debt collectors.
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    This is nothing new. Experian has been doing it for at least 15 years.
  3. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Quite so but the FICO software is really outstanding in the depth to which it's reporting ability goes. I'm sure that while the video shows new features that the Equifax model hasn't had there is still a lot more under the hood that the video didn't show. One thing that is becoming obvious is the ability to predict the likelihood of the collector's ability to pay based on credit score and assets. It is easy to see that many of the larger companies who are using that software are being more selective in who they go after and sue. I've seen a significant statistical drop in lawsuits filed against the elderly lately and while that may be attributable to other factors the timing of the deployment of that software and the sudden drop in filings against the elderly a short time later does seem more than a coincidence.

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