I would call them and see what happens. Its seems with your credit rating it would be. A friend of mine was in a similar situation and when he applied he got a letter regarding an outstanding debt from 10 years ago. Basically he paid it and they approved him for the card.
I contacted them. AMEX basically said they can't collect it because of the Statute of Limitations but they will not remove it from their internal records and will keep it open. The bottom line is that I cannot receive another AMEX card (through AMEX) as long as it is unsatisfied. Oh well... I can live with that. If I ever need an AMEX card (I do have one now through BofA), I will simply open it in my fiance's name and add myself as an authorized user.
You were misinformed. They may not be able to sue you or send it for collections, but you can call them and tell them you want to pay it off. Another route is to apply for the card and when you are turned down for the outstanding balance owed. Contact them to pay it off to get the card.
Oh, I completely realize that AMEX will take my money... The problem is that we are at an impasse... I am disputing the amount and they cannot prove to me that I owe it. Therefore, unless they can produce some documentation that I owe the money, I will not be paying them anything.
Basically you would want to send a letter stating a) you want them to send you proof of the debt, b) you were told there was no proof, & c) if you cannot be provided with proof them they should C&D on the account. It's way too old and way past the SOL.
15 years old? Out of statute everywhere. 15 years old? Off your credit report 6-1/2 years ago and having no impact on your FICO. The only ones that would get to see it are mortgage lenders getting a full credit report. Getting it "off" the report? The mortgage lenders would get to see it anyway. I'd send a full cease-and-desist letter.