I need your help please..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by joubin, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. joubin

    joubin New Member

    Hi everybody,
    I'm in a very bad situation since last week that I got a report of my wife credit report.
    We were out of country for almost two years and in this period we were expecting some medical bills and because of that, we left some money with a friend to take of those bills (App. $1500), but unfortunately he never paid them and didn't pay attention to the notices and warning, it went to a collection company and they did report this at the time we were out of country.
    I have called them and explained my problem but they just say pay the bills and we can't remove the record from your credit score, i think this is not correct, does any body have a such experiences and guidance to sort out this issue?

  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Welcome to Creditnet!

    Unfortunately, the fact that you left the country and relied on a friend to pay your bills (and he didn't) isn't an excuse a CA will care to listen to. How exactly does this appear on your credit report? Was it charged-off by the original medical provider and sold to the CA, or was it just transferred for collection?
  3. BCOHEN2010

    BCOHEN2010 Well-Known Member

    That is true, however, right now you have something the collection agency wants (namely money) and if you make it bluntly clear that they won't be getting it unless they do a pay-for-delete, suddenly, they will become receptive to that. If for some reason they won't, then I see no reason to pay a dime toward the debt, and you should cease communicating with them until they're ready to offer a PFD. It will NOT help your credit if you pay and the account is merely updated to a "paid collection", and the negative tradeline must be deleted by law after 7 years even if you don't pay.
  4. joubin

    joubin New Member

    Thanks for your reply, I don't know exactly your answer, It shows the original creditor and also the CA name and address with an allocated account number from CA, what you can advice?
  5. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Are these shown as 2 separate line items on your credit reports, and do you see a "charge off" notation by the one for the OC?

    I would keep pushing for a PFD even though the first person turned you down. Send a letter this time and you may get a different response.
  6. joubin

    joubin New Member

    There are two unpaid bills and each shows as a separate line items, in each line item i see name of original creditor and also CA , so do you think that it will help if I send them a PFD letter?
    There is no charge of notation, it shows: Quote" Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on
    record until Dec 2016." Unquote
  7. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    OK, so we're talking about 2 separate debts here. I would want to first determine if these have been sold to the CA or not. It sounds like maybe they've just been assigned for collection. If they haven't been sold, you may be able to convince the OC to pull the accounts back from collections so you can pay them directly.

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