Sent first validation letter!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JRuss, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. JRuss

    JRuss New Member

    So I sent my first validation letter and got my response. They totally ignored everything in it, the only response I got was a bill and a demand for money.

    I asked for proof of the debt, proof that they where authorized to collect the debt in my state of New Jersey and proof that this agency was authorized to collect this debt.

    So as they ignored the requests what is my next step?
  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    This is continued collection activity, and is a violation of section 809 (b) of the FDCPA.

    Are they reporting as well?
  3. JRuss

    JRuss New Member

    Seems like it they made no statement one way or another. What should my next step be?
  4. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    How much is the debt?

    Are you still within the SOL.?

    When I asked if they were reporting, I meant on your credit reports.
  5. JRuss

    JRuss New Member

    It is about $6,000 what is SOL? An yes it seems to still be on there even when I asked these questions of them.
  6. Logan Abbott

    Logan Abbott Well-Known Member

    Mindcrime's asking what the statute of limitations (SOL) are in your state. This determines how many years a collection agency or original creditor can sue you for an outstanding debt. The statute of limitations begin on the date of your first delinquency (DOFD) provided by your credit report.

    Here's an easy way to find out your state's SOL: Complete State List of Statute of Limitations on Debt

    The age of the debt could determine what your next move is.

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