Secured credit card and ecredable website

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mcgilljb92, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. mcgilljb92

    mcgilljb92 New Member

    Ok iv had a secured capital one card for a year now with alll on time patments and was wondering what are tge odds of fetting a unsecured credit card after aplying for one? Also has anyone. Heard of the ecredable site if so how much does it help ir credit?
  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    Have you confirmed with C1 that they simply don't just un-secure the card? You can also check to see if they pull a soft inquiry on your report or just base unsecuring the card on your payment history with them.

    Also how's the rest of your credit?
  3. mcgilljb92

    mcgilljb92 New Member

    Well theres not much there a phone bill wich iv paid and a old charter vill that my mom got in my name wen i was younger. She didnt pay it. I just thought that maybe the year of food payments would help boost my chances with capital one. And no it doesnt graduate to a unsecured card.
  4. Heather L

    Heather L Well-Known Member

    If you have had the Capital One secure card for one year then I would apply for Capital One Platinum card. My sister in law had a secure card for 6 months and then applied for a Capital One Platinum card and was approved for a $2000 credit limit. Her secure card was only $200. Thanks! Heather with BoostMyScore.NET
  5. Logan Abbott

    Logan Abbott Well-Known Member

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