Question about AAofA and aging

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jmc912, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    I have been tracking my FAKOS for the past few months and they seem to be stuck... TU 752 EX 762 EQ 763.... They have hardly budged since 4/27 when they were TU 754 EX 763 EQ 763... So down 2 points and 1 point... (from an inquiry)

    I'm wondering when scores change as you let things age on your report?

    I have literally tried every combination of balances on credit cards and even if I have a 0%, 10%, 7% util, the scores don't move.

    Any ideas? I want to get a little boost as we are currently looking for a home to buy so the higher the scores the better.

    I'm a little annoyed because my husband started with TU 560 (in January) and he's now at 752... Yep, we have the exact same TU score. I keep reminding him he would still have a score of 560 if it weren't for me haha!
  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    What are yours?

    AAofA and length of history both affect your scores. They update at the beginning of every month (you will see it go from 5 years 3 months to 5 years 4 months, etc.) I don't think there is a 'magic AAofA or length that 'super-boosts' a score, just the longer the better.

    That's great about your husbands scores! Thanks-all-to-you, I suppose :)

    Someone who has had high scores for a considerable time may be able to confirm this (slow/non-movement such as yours), but I believe that getting scores when they're as high as yours to move more are more difficult than from where your husband was (though the utilization switch-up is confusing, as *I* definitely have seen shifts with my utils going from 1 to 15% of a 40 point swing) . Just like one negative mark can plummet a score 100 points, so can removing that final negative in boosting it back up, and you can always see bigger jumps in your scores.
  3. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, the scores at the beginning are mine! His are TU 752 EX 760 EQ 736 (waiting on a deletion)

    I'm convinced it's impossible to boost them any more! It's awesome I've gotten his so high in a short time... It's so much easier to raise low scores than high ones! The only thing I could think of is that I don't have any installment loans on my credit (or I just need to let everything age more)
  4. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    LOL, sorry, I meant what are your AAofA and length of credit history.
  5. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    Gotcha! Well my reports don't tell me what AAofA is... I can calculate it though...

    Do you include all trade lines? I have some credit cards that are closed as well as a car loan... How would you factor that in?
  6. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    Anyone? How to calculate AAofA?
  7. Logan Abbott

    Logan Abbott Well-Known Member

  8. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    Jason, yes I have a couple of inquires... None due to fall off until September and then the rest won't be until 2014 sometime.

    Still, the frustrating saga continues!! Played around with our CC balance this month... That was the ONLY change on both of our reports that day... One of my scores went down that day, of course, all of my husbands stayed the same (went from $1500 to $120 balance on CC with $34,000 limit)

    AND THEN it gets worse!! We both had 2 inquiries recently (from Navy Fed and Wells Fargo)... Husbands scores were not affected at ALL by the Navy Fed inquiry, mine went down 2 points across the board... And for the Wells Fargo inquiry, this really gets me fired up, his scores INCREASED 2 points across the board and mine DECREASED 3 points. Those were the only changes on any of our reports during that week so I know it's from the inquiries.

    Most frustrating thing ever!! I swear they are taking points off of my credit score and giving them to him.
  9. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    Also, I think I should add on that I FINALLY got CapitalOne to delete my 30-day late payment from 2008 (they realized it was their fault after all... Only took 5 letters, 10 emails, 6 phone calls, and 4 internet chats)

    That was the only derogatory info on any of my reports... They deleted it Wednesday, it updated with the CRAs, and no score change. I give up!!!
  10. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    LOL (sorry!)--- I feel bad for you. I've never seen someone so stressed to get their score to change -- even by a few points.

    So does this mean you have zero negatives on your reports and they're still mid 700's? Are you using one CMS or two?
  11. jmc912

    jmc912 Well-Known Member

    It is actually kind of funny... It has become somewhat of a competition in our household! And I just seriously can't figure out scoring.. It seems things have an equal or opposite effect on different people. So strange!

    I have zero negatives, extremely low utility, a mixture of accounts, a paid off car loan, oldest account is only 7 years old, so maybe I'm not quite old enough hah! But my husbands oldest is only 5...

    Still stuck in the 700's... I only use one CMS but am thinking of switching now. Any recommendations, Mindcrime?

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