
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Oct 21, 2001.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    hello, i have been lurking here for a couple of months and i am ready to ask you nice people some questions. on creditwrench, i went to the site but cant seem to find the answers i want so... first, is their any way to clean up a report if the entries are valid? meaning they are my charge offs etc.. a couple are being paid but to someone else not the original creditor. 2nd almost everything is 2yrs old or less, is that a problem? 3rd what is the price of this service? i have more but dont want to make you read all day. thx much,
  2. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    Since I own the site and the company, I guess I am the one that can best answer your questions. Most of them anyway.
    That's a problem I'm apparently going to have to address somehow. Someone else made just about the same comment yesterday. There is a link on the site that leads to another page called (click on red word)faq.html in which I attempt to answer most of the questions that I am asked. There is also a link that lets you e-mail me as well as one on the bottom of all my messages. And there is my phone number and you can call me at any time. I had thought that should have been sufficient. Obviously it isn't so I'm going to have to take a much more aggressive approach to user friendliness. Thanks for your comment.
    It's a lot easier to deal with a 3rd party debt collector than it is with an original creditor, That's because like most other situations, once a 3rd party gets involved, things usually go wrong, especially if you have a 4th party(me) throwing creditwrenches&#153 in the works.
    No, not at all.
    $35.00 per month until we get you all cleaned up. In most normal cases, that usually means anywhere from 3 to as much as maybe 6 or 7 months. The reason we can get the job done that quickly is that we put the creditor/collection agency on a pretty tight time schedule and don't allow him much leeway to wiggle around in. We just keep pushing him right on down the road to his eventual "fate" which is that he must pay the bill for you and remove the adverse report off your credit bureau files. Sometimes it gets a lot worse for him than that because we feel that you should take the matter to the courts for injuctive relief and a nice big dose of green pain medicine for your time and trouble and misery in having to deal with them.
    In that case, it could take much longer to get the job done, but we are not charging you for that extra time unless we are doing other cases for you as well. We like to refer you to an attorney who will do your casework on a fee contingency basis which means that you don't pay him anything unless he gets results for you. Even then you don't really pay him anything because he takes his cut out of the settlement money he gets for you. So in net effect, he pays you instead of you paying him.

    We are all pretty used to long posts and answers in these parts. We don't really worry about it much because the message board won't let you post more than 10,000 words in any single post.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to answer your questions and your interest. If I can be of service to you, please let me know.
  3. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    hi again! thanks for your reply. 35.00 amonth! i'm happy, i thought it would be much more. sounds great! another question though, using creditwrench wont do anything to my current (good) accounts will it? i believe i have about 5 pays never lates. oh one more, the collection people are really not picking on me as i have 2 lines and i always give out the one i use the computer on so i really never hear from them. do they have to be harrassing me to get this done? the only harrassment i really ever had was norwest financial, i had a small loan with them and was about 2 months behind well the manager came to my house 3 times and finally on the 3rd try he left a note on the door saying my loan was secured by my personal property and they would be able to come over and take it! he never showed. anyway wells fargo has long since bought them out and i never hear from them. i think i will sit and try to figure out all the quirky questions i have and then e mail you. what forms of payment etc... thx,kelly
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    No, and we have the best saftey net available to be sure that don't ever happen.
    No, not at all. If they can't figure out one way to goof up, they will figure out other ways to goof up. Leave it to them to do that. (LOL)
    We will see if we can't get some response out of Wells Fargo then. They will most likely claim they know nothing about you, but we can cure that for them.{lol}
    Do that. I'll be looking forward to it.

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