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Mail Call ~ Thursday

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Erica, Oct 4, 2001.

  1. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    In my mail:


    Approval letter from FCNB for their secured & More card.


    Experian Investigation Results
    1/6 deleted (That horrid unpaid repo has been deleted! WooHoo)
    4/4 inquiries deleted
    3/3 inquiries pending.
  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Hey Erica that's GREAT news about the unpaid repo. I'm sure that's going to do wonders for your score, etc. That's a major break........great job!
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I certainly hope you are right MP. As of today, no CE score change, but I'll wait for an update next week.
  4. dnsatt

    dnsatt Active Member


    Congratulations! I am sure that was no small feat.

    Onward and upwards
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

  6. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Greencard.....tick tock tick tock.....he he
  7. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Equifax updated report dated 9/28/01 reflecting the deletion of an address that this collection agency keeps reporting as mine. It still shows some other items under dispute. They have until tomorrow to respond to Equifax. Needless to say I'll be blowin Equifax's phone up first thing Monday!
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Pre approval for a TJ Maxx credit card. 4.5% until April 2002, go to 19.8% fixed. It's issued by Cap One. Yeah right. I am looking to get rid of the one I've got.

    Mom got cash advance "convenience checks" from DMB. I am saving them to light my first fire of the season, hehe. Gotta get Mom a Cobalt card.
  9. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Another ATM card from WAMU, mind you these accounts have been closed for over a year. Called again today and supposedly this is fixed (again!). I told him I could care less if they waste the plastic and postage, but it's really getting annoying.

    That's it!
  10. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Looking for Erica 2000 or anyone who has had an unpaid repo removed. Just starting to get my credit cleaned up and could really use all the advice I can get. Been reading through all of the posts and I have to say that this site is WONDERFUL!!. Sent off all 3 letters to request my current reports today and can't wait to get this ball rolling. And this time I will not under any circumstances destroy my credit history again. With the help of everyone here I have no doubt in my mind that I can clean my credit reports up and re-gain some cards that I will devote myself to paying on time. It's a good feeling when you know you can come here and get honest advice. Thank You and Good Luck to all.

    Ms Jackson
  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Ms. Jackson,

    I had it removed by disputing it and validating it at the same time. I used a simple validation letter and sent it to the collection agency. Other than that, nothing special about it. Good Luck.
  12. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I'm very new to this, can you tell me exactly what validating is? Sorry to sound so clueless. Another thing Erica, just curious to know how your credit was when you started cleaning it up and how is it now? If that's not to personal I would love to hear about your improvements.
  13. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Validating is what you do to make the creditor PROVE that the debt is yours. For my credit history, look for a thread titled Credit Update. I posted it in the last few days.
  14. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Isn't today Wednesday or have I totally lost my mind LOL

    My mail day

    Pre selected for the household GOLD card oh la la

    Invited to apply for Chase platinum, humm they sent hubby already approved. go figure.

    My official Bass membership club card HUH???

    My real estate tax bill, called chase already paid:)

    a small epinions check.
  15. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Thanks Erica. One more thing, since I just sent off for all 3 reports to begin the clean-up, should I try to apply for a card now to hold me off until I get everything cleared and then cancel it or wait until everything is cleared up? Thanks a bunch Erica for your input.

    Now I'm off to read your update from a few days ago.
  16. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I've also had an unpaid repo removed- just by disputing as not mine. However, it did come back on my Equifax, and on hubby's Experian, so I had to re-dispute them. Waiting on the updates now.
  17. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I would wait until the clean-up has begun. Then apply. Anytime!
  18. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Erica decided to skip Wednesday, I think. Can't blame her.
  19. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member


    Did they send you notice before putting it back on? Or did it just re-appear?

    I was under the impression that id they did not send you notice it was a violation and you could have it perm removed (cloaked, or whatever the term is)

  20. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Mail today.....

    Atlanta Magazine- Ugh, why?
    Amex Rewards catalog - SWEET!
    Int'l Auto Sport Ctlg- $150 Driving Moccasins? nah.
    Frontgate Catalog- recommended! www.frontgate.com
    RMS Audio Flyer- Home of the $2500.00 CD Player
    Turbo-Tax Flyer- "Please pre-order from us now for $60.00 before Staples starts selling it for $34.95"

    Ho-Hum.....Oh, well.... Maybe my pre-approved Plutonium card will come tomorrow.....


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