I guess I'm doomed forever. In 1992 I filed CH 13, that's all cleared and gone. In 1999 I started re-establishing credit while in College. Of course, I got WAY over my head. I have 2 Capital One charge off and Orchard Bank charge off all from 2000. I also have ALOT of medical bills on my credit report. I do have about 12 positive tradelines, one being a mortgage and one being an auto loan. I have used Junum with NO luck at all. I don't know what to do or where to go from here. I need any kind of help, I have disputed and everything gets verified. I have sent validation letters to the CA for the medical bills, NOTHING in response ever. HELP!!! ps the question for citibank app status was for my mom not me
Others here have had luck with Junum and Lex- I tried Lex and I will just politely say I was less than satisfied. I would not get too discouraged about the Junum part if I were you. Do your medical listings appear from a collection agency or from the doctor/hospital itself? All my med stuff popped right off pretty easily- it was all doctor/hospital stuff, though- no collection agencies. What's your situation now? Are you still jammed up money wise or are you in a better situation now? There are a lot of smart people on this board, I wouldn't despair too much. I am sure they can help... I'll cross my fingers for you.... Shawn
Much better financial situation. I was going to college as a single parent and NOT working, trying to live in child support and the help my boyfriend could provide. Now we are married, he makes about 75K and has EXCELLENT credit, I make about 42K and have PISS POOR credit. He just got a $42,000 unsecured signature loan from a local bank to purchase some more land and add some stuff to our house. I couldn't buy a dozen eggs on credit. Well, I take that back, I have an open furniture account (Lack's) that does report and shows I have a high balance of $2650 and never late, I have one secured card FCNB that shows never late. These are the only 2 open accounts I have. All the medical bills are through collections agencies, Gulf Coast etc. I will pay the price (money wise) for a good company that can help me. I am willing to get secured cards if that will help, but so far I'm afraid to apply for anything. My FICO is about 487.
Well, one thing we have all put together from the 'Fico' pieces we gather up is how things affect your score depending on your balance of positives and negatives. If you have several negatives on your report, you really need to get a few 'clean' positives on your report- by clean I mean no 30's or anything- strictly positive records. I really think this lessens the amount the negs pull you down. I think the others here will agree. Of course, getting the negs and inquiries off will help too. Have you disputed and removed inquiries yet? it really helps and, for now, is rather easy to do. I would take advantage of that while we still can. Have you talked to Bill Bauer about the charge-offs? He seems to be pretty darn good with them. How about old addresses? Have you asked to have them removed to make it harder to link you with collections? I believe that helps, too. That's my opinion...I am sure others here can be more help. Hopefully they will chime in. And if you haven't talked to Bill Bauer yet, you should at least email him and see what he thinks about your situation. He's honest about whether or not he can help. Good luck! Shawn
My credit is so bad, I haven't applied for recent credit, but do have my reports. I have maybe 2-3 inquiries per report in the past 2 yrs. I've had all old addresses, phone numbers and employers deleted. I will try creditwrench. In the meantime do you know of any secured cards worth getting other than FCNB (have them) that will help me establish some credit and hey THANKS a MILLION!!!
Christi, go to www.sterlingbank.com It is guaranteed approval. $39 annual fee, $19 app. fee. $200 or more deposit and they multiply it by 120% or more. Great customer service...no b.s. games.
Hey- Planetfeedback the Cap One accounts, offer a sob story and offer to pay at least partial charge off amount. I bet you can get them removed and maybe a new account. www.planetfeedback.com Just be really sincere and have a good reason. They are people, they will listen. Don't be demanding or mad in your letter...state your 'hardships' and that you have learned your lesson, better situation now, etc. You can do it!!!! Shawn
I jus did that today with Cap One. I gave them the I was 18 and stupid and didn't realize how being so foolish could hurt me and others (meaning Cap One) so much. I paid half off the amt owed 2 or 3 years ago. I offered to pay the remainder if theywould take off the negative remarks and give me a secured card. I'll let you know if it worked. KHM
Cool...watch for the 'out of area' call on your caller ID or an email with instructions to call. They will at least talk to you. Even if they seem negative at first, keep trying. One thing they did to me is the "Why do you think Cap One should......." question...kinda took me of guard. I just explained how much I had learned and how the situation was out of my control....things are great now...responsibility....always keep a savings account for emergencies...and the kicker that really seemed to impress him- I know that I don't have to do this but i really want to make good on my mistake so I can at least feel better myself as a person". He pretty much said "wow". He was trying to help me get a BK7 card off my report, something that is totally illegal for them to negotiate....so I know they will at least try to help. Good luck..you can do it! Shawn
Christi, don't despair, you can improve your situation with some diligence, hard work, and above all, patience. I am proof of that. And whatever you do, read this board religiously. It is worth it. A couple of years ago, I had two unpaid charge-off accounts with CapOne. I defaulted on the first card, then CapOne got me to roll the unpaid balance onto a second card, which I also defaulted on. Dumb me. Once I figured out how my idiocy and irresponsibility was hurting me financially, which coincidentally was about the same time I found this Creditnet board, I wrote a letter to CapOne via PlanetFeedback. I basically complained about their tactics in getting me to roll the balance on the first card onto the new second card. Anyways, to make a long story short, I got hooked up with a one "Mr Miller" at CapOne's Executive Offices who, after listening to my argument, agreed to open another account, transfer my balance to that new account, and let me pay it off in 3 equal installments. Once I did that, the account remained open and with a credit limit equal to my previously unpaid balance ($1100). Since that time, I have paid perfectly and have had my Visa credit line increased to $1800, and I expect it to go to about $2800 in December when I call Mr. Miller back for more. With CapOne, you can probably dig yourself out of the hole you are in with them. Don't be afraid to give it a try. Mr. Miller is a great guy. Just tell him your story, and be sure to stick by whatever agreement you reach with him. You will be rewarded later for doing so. Because CapOne gave me THREE chances to get my act together, I will always keep one of their cards, even when my credit is prime and I have other, better offers at my disposal. Good luck! -chriscraft