Equifax disputes - Important

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CAmove, Oct 25, 2001.

  1. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    Does anyone know a number at Equifax where you can dispute items? I can only find an annoying automated line.
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Use the number on your report.... If you don't have an EQF report order one. You will have to have the report/file# (NOT your SS#) before they will allow you to talk with a rep....
  3. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    The number on my report IS that annoying automated number... HELP!!!!
  4. deniserich

    deniserich Banned

    If you are not reaching an Equifax representative, I would complain to the FTC....remember this


    in part...."To provide consumers the ability to more easily resolve inaccuracies in their credit reports quickly, Congress amended the FCRA -- effective Sept. 30, 1997 -- to require Experian, Equifax and Trans Union to provide consumers who receive a copy of their credit report with a toll-free telephone number at which personnel are accessible to consumers during normal business hours."
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Equifax 1-800-685-1111 old? - must have equifax credit report number
    as of 7/13/01 1-800-375-4989
    TransUnion 1-800-916-8800 (consumer relations) or 1-800-888-4213 (automated line to request credit reports)
    Experian 1-800-311-4769 (Not sure about this one)
    1 800 787 6864 , M - F 8am to 7pm in your time zone

    fax numbers
    EFX = 1-888-345-9399; as of 9/17/01 1-888.729.0083
    TU = 714-447-6032 (CA), 610-546-4605 (PA)
    EXPERIAN = 972-390-3974, 877-454-1010
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    If the number on your report is automated... you may be serviced by an affiliate... I don't have to work with them, but understand you may not be able to use the national people....

    GOOD LUCK! Keep us updated.

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