Planet Feedback

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CAmove, Oct 25, 2001.

  1. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    I had a Capital One card that charged off three years ago. It is paid. I was recently declined for a new Capital One secured card and was told to send a letter to customer service with any additonal information that might cause them to re-evaluate. I sent this letter by fax today and was told that it probably woudn't make a differnce either way, since I applied for a card on my own and did not receive a specail offer in the mail.

    Can planetfeedback help me here? The old Capital One account is paid and I wish to start over.
  2. Debmac

    Debmac Well-Known Member

    I had a Cap1 paid off from Jan01, and got an unsecured Cap1 in July01. And no, I didn't get a preapproved offer. (I got *real* lucky and applied when my 1st Primier card turned 6mos old and jacked up my FICO)...

    So, I think you can get it, and I know that PFB is really effective....

  3. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    Thanks for the advice. I want to try it, 'cause I'm really upset now. I went to the site and it asked me to fill out an online form that would be converted into a letter. Is this the right place? Or is there a way I can get an address at Planet Feedback for Mr. Miller himself? I want to mail the second letter out sooner rather than later.

    Any advice will be much appreciated.
  4. Debmac

    Debmac Well-Known Member

    That's the place where I filled out my request to Cap 1 (note; my letter was regarding my CL , not about gettting the card).

    I think others here have just used the standard form too; no need to address it to a certain person. Either Mr Miller or Mr Cook (that's who I talked to) will get back with you...

    Hope it helps..

    Deb @ Mich St

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