
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tom65432, Oct 25, 2001.

  1. tom65432

    tom65432 Well-Known Member

    I just got some spam about Junum, Inc. saying that their stock is set to soar from just over $1 to almost $7 a share. They are in the credit repair business. Is this the same company that people on this board talk about?

    I am always concerned about spam that offers to let me in on the ground floor, just before the stock is set to soar.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  3. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    yep same company, doing a crappy job from what we hear on the board. I am in the financial field and licensed as well (for those who don't know, means that I can legally offer advice on investing). Do you think you could shoot me that spam in an email?
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    That's all quite true, sadly enough, George, but do you see that affecting the value of their stock?

    Stockholders and purchasers usually don't care one whit about the moral character of management or how many people they have made sick and die with their products or the fact that the the government may be about to close them down or split their company into one or more other smaller companies. Stockholders just want to see the profits roll in no matter how they are procured.

    I don't think that stockholders are going to care one whit if Junum goofs up a few of their customers good tradelines and deletes them or the fact that the way their profits are gained is by trying to convince credit bureaus that a lie is the truth and the truth is a lie and just firing off round after round of the same old BS all the while charging the customers for as long as the customer is sucker enough to fall for their game and keep on paying.

    Lots of the stock market trading is done on the basis of computer analysis or newsletter analysis by some guru or other and neither of them knows anything about Junum's nefarious business practices nor do they care.

    Just want to see the profits roll in
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    ANY chance to slam the competition... What a joke.... If that's not the pot calling the kettle black!!
  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Not nearly as big a joke as some clown running around hollering BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO

    We've all been treated to that one the last day or so.
  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Ewww.... one day? Try one post... and I was right.... and it was for FREE....

    What would you suggest? I call it CREDIT BINGO and charge people $35 like you?

    BTW Bill, I realize that my little 500+ posts offering FREE advice can not compare to your more than 2000+ pieces of SPAM for your pay service, but just like you, I can change my signature and have it update every post.... What would you think of a top 10 list of reason not to trust you and why people shouldn't spend a penny on Credit Wrench? Kinda like an anti-spam or disinfectant program.... I'm liking the idea more and more!
  8. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    BINGO! I bet everybody on the board would just love it! Just imagine! I bet if you really, really tried hard you could get a lot of people hollering about BINGO! Go ahead, Be my guest! Make my day BINGO!
  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Fine.... consider it done Bill.... You brought this on yourself... It will end when you apologize, stop bullying people and stop the SPAM....
  10. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Quit hollering BINGO and get the show on the road!

  11. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Miss Cleo said to tell you that if anyone yells BINGO again, she will put the smallgamesofchance/forentertainmentonly hex on every member of this board. Please don't do this to us!
  12. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    Miss Cleo best not infuriate me or she might end up with some kind of complaint against her with the FTC for false advertising. Does she have an EIN number and does she pay her taxes? Does she have a license to do business in all of the states? Does she operate out of her house? Does she have a business telephone listed in her own name or is she using one name for her business and another for her private telephone? People who deal with these fortune tellers need to be aware that they might not want to spend their money dealing with some fortune tellerand might not get the results they expected.

    It's my dooty to defend the public and inform them about these rip-off artists. If she puts a hex on me for hollering BINGO on a crowded message board I'll file a suit against her for violating my 1st Amendment Rights to free speech. I'll holler BINGO any time I want to.

    The war is on and it'll stop the day she quits putting hexes on me. I'm not attacking, I'm just defending myself against hexes. It's my right to do that, doncha know????

    See there! I'm just defending myself

  13. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    She said to tell you that she does not need all those worldly things of which you spoke. And also, the hex is on.

  14. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    OK! So be it. The war is on.

    I ain't gonna back down either. She is asking for it.

    I'll teach her not to put hexes on me.
  15. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    I don't know what is more annoying - the fact that so many people have to add hyperlinks to their own "credit related" websites or the fact that we have to endure an on and off childish argument over this.
  16. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    "Within the next 10 - 14 days you and all of your kind will pay greatly for your wicked, wicked ways. If anyone whom associates with you, the evil one, they may call my toll free number and beg to have the curse taken from them. The first three minutes are free. Call now Call now Call now Call now
  17. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Go away.
  18. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your kind words. Have a wonderful day.
  19. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    You're welcome.
  20. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    FTC really is looking into Ms. Cleo for deceptive advertising.... Do a search if you don't believe me. You can fool some of the people....

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