Why can a creditor use problems with the Postal Service as an excuse not to perform, but the consumer cant?
This is the way I see it.... Anyone can make an excuse, it's up to the other party to accept it. I assume that you're talking about a creditor responding to a validation request or an investigation and a consumer not making a payment on time because of delayed mail. The consumer could make the excuse, it's up to the creditor to accept. If they don't they have late fees and other penalities defined they can take. Just the same way, the creditor can make an excuse, but the power is with the consumer. Should you choose not to accept it, it is harder to enforce, but you have the legal rights. You have to exercise the power to make it work... not just blindly accept the excuse. Make any sense?
I have the same problem with Equifax. My hubby had to send proof of who he was, bank statement ect. I sent it 3 weeks ago (not CRRR, stupid me) I also had to send one to EXP. I got the updated report from EXP yesterday so I had him call EQU they said with all the anthrax stuff going on they won't respond to it for 'a while'. In the meantime I sent out a investigation CRRR 3 days ago and I already have the RR back. I'm gonna dig up one of his old CR and dispute from that. Hopefully I can screw them at there own game.
Tell Equifax that Congress HAS NOT signed a bill suspending the 30 day requirement under the FCRA. Anthrax or no anthrax, they still have to comply with the law. cariba
I am talking about a creditor that demanded a bill be paid on the 26 when I never got the bill till the 24.I thought that the law required them to send the bill 2weeks before it was due not 2 days! When I collered them on this they said they mailed the bill on the 18 and they weren't responsible for the actions of the postal service. Yet when a payment is delayed in the mail they hold me accountable for the poatal service actions.BTW the 18 is only 8 days from due date:
I rec'd a letter from a collection agency saying I had to respond by the 15th - it was postmarked the 18th. Yeah~ I'll just whip out my trusty time-travel device!!!
My car insurance was cancelled because apparently 14 days was not enough time to recieve my payment. Yea, I got re-instated, but had to drive 50 miles to hand- deliver a check. That sucked! Especially since I drove there with no auto insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!