and I am not sure I would be comfortable making demands as they are written. I need to send some disputes to equifax - or CSC whoever they are- of course with proof of my identity (damn them). Anyway, I'll be writing my own letters- but do I send one at a time? Or list all accounts I want validated? thanks!
I like to take the sample letters and make them look like I came up with them on my own. Kinda' like we did in high school. They seem to co-operate with someone they think is dumb. At least 'till they catch on. Just make sure you have all the important stuff in there somewhere.
Written disputes? First time? Send them Certified Mail with RRR. Most people will tell you they will ignore anything more than 4-5 accounts per letter. If you have more than that, wait about two weeks and send another letter disputing 4-5 other accounts. List all the accounts you want validated??? What the good ones that you want to keep? No, I wouldn't do that..... Be as brief as possible and list the accounts you want them to investigate and give the reason. If you don't make it extremely clear, they will not start an investigation.
Yes, I forgot to mention - don't dispute too many at the same time. (Bud Light) When you grow up, what do you want to be? - The Clarks
Oh... btw, you don't have to write a letter at all... Just make a copy of your report, mark the changes you want and at the top say correct as indicated. Doesn't get much simpler than that!
thanks, yes I definitely want to keep the good ones-- I will definitely make a copy of the report & send - that sounds easy. Is using "unknown account" effective? These ARE accounts I am aware of-- however, they are very stale - 3 to 4 years old now since last reported - collection agencies. I figure they don't still have my account and the original creditor never reported, so might be easy to remove? what do you think?