I have 3 collections accounts paid,I was just wondering can they be deleted? If yes How do i go about it.By the way thank you bvek and bill bauer for good and valuable advice in the past.
When you pay the collection agencies you lose any bargaining power you may have had. They have no incentive to delete it for you. The only way I know of to get these deleted would be to dispute them with cra's and hope the ca's don't verify it.
You should have had paid CONDITIONAL on removal of the account, or make the account a POSITIVE account. Try to dispute it with the CRA's... "NEVER LATE" "NOT MY ACCOUNT" What ever it takes.
AMEX was removed from EXPERIAN because I said "NO CREDIT LIMIT STATED" put it on my report. Luckily, AMEX said it will come back...
LKH: I've come up with a new weapon that seems to have a lot of promise when dealing with paid offs Actually, I didn't invent it, someone else did and they passed it on to me. They claimed it removed at least one paid off real quick and even a student loan. I couldn't believe it until I actually saw what they had come up with and all I can say is W-O-W!!!!! It's going to take some more usage to really find out if it's as strong as first reports claim it is, but the source of it is almost impeccable so we will see. Personally, looks to me like it ought to really be a powerhouse against almost anything.
7-10 years? Either from date paid or date of first late. (It may say on the credit report) ON FILE TILL XX/200X
JOER: It will stay there for 7 years after the date of last activity which seems to be pretty clearly defined in FTC law. You need to find out from the original creditor when the legal date of last activity was if you don't happen to have it in your own records. Sometimes you end up on the dirty end of the stick and it keeps getting renewed on you by a seemingly never ending series of nasty and illegal tricks. It can be pretty difficult sometimes to figure out whose fault it is if indeed the date it's supposed to fall off gets moved up on you. Sometimes it's the fault of TransUnion and their ilk and sometimes it's the creditor and sometimes it's a collection agency. Tracking down who the culprit is can be a real headache.
I have 3 cap one accounts that are closed. I disputed them with " no credit limit stated" I hope they delete it lol.
You get PUNISHED when they DON'T put the credit limit on... But they would rather DELETE the account than PUT THE CREDIT LIMIT ON!!!
Of course we do.don't you know the consumer is always accountable for the credit industries underhandness? Thats just the way it should be ,Right?
George its Joer i dont understand when you guys talk about creit limit.If it doesnt have the limit stated they should delete it?I need more advice
Re: if item is paid can it be dele Joer, I'm one of the people bbauer referenced who's used a relatively unique technique to remove paid late-pay notations (120 and 150 days past due). In my case, these were not charge-offs, however they were VERY OBNOXIOUS tradlines -- 1) MBNA credit card, and 2) PHEAA (Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance) student loans which were paid in full, not defaulted, but extremely late-pay. Basically, I extended bbauer's "Creditwrench" (creditwrench.com) technique. (I've passed along all the info to Bill if you decide to go that route. I understand he's further refining and testing that, by the way.) PHEAA took more than 30 days, and I'd almost given up, but on the 32nd day I received a letter of apology stating that they were SORRY they'd reported all those late pays by mistake (for which I could hardly believe my eyes). The PHEAA tradelines were ultimately all updated to "PAID NEVER LATE." MBNA acted the same week they received the letter, removing the tradeline entirely which was fine with me. As for the "we apologize" letter from PHEAA, a few people have suggested that I use that apology as admission of malfeasance and sue 'em just to get paid. Since my goal was to simply revise my credit files and not to make money at it, I'm not going to pursue that further even if a lawsuit may have merit, LOL. Now, all of that said, I should mention that Lexington successfully removed 5 other student loan tradelines (not defaulted, but paid-in-full, however VERY LATE-PAY notations) from Trans Union several months ago simply with one of their folksy (LOL) simple disputes. In other words, sometimes it doesn't take fancy footwork to do the job. Moral of the story is that you won't go wrong by taking action -- any action -- whether you do it yourself or get some help. If you try it yourself and get nowhere, you can always go the get-help route, but you'll never know until you get started! There's more to my credit repair story, including small claims suits. I've seen success against two CRAs, but the lawsuit against the third CRA is still oustanding. Once I'm finished with that, I'll post a detailed summary here in hopes that it may help someone else. Doc
I NEVER said that they should remove the account...I WANTED THE CREDIT LIMIT STATED and instead of STATING it they removed the account!!! I WANTED MY AMEX, CAPITAL ONE, AND CITIBANK TO STAY!!! You can use "NO CREDIT LIMIT STATED" to remove a "BAD" account(s) if you want to... I did their "homework" for them, I told the CRA what the credit limit was, but they just deleted it...N/A is bad on your credit report, because F.I.C.O. scoring uses your credit limits in relation to how much you owe (DEBT TO CREDIT LIMIT RATIO) as part of your score.
Joer. Yep. It was Doc's idea that made me go W-O-W!!! a few posts back. Sheer genius. I've made a couple of very minor changes, trying to smooth out the wording a wee bit. Maybe I've improved over his a teeny tad, maybe not. I had to study his idea real close to understand why it probably worked so well, and after a few minutes of reading and re-reading I knew he had come up with a real winner. Since then, I've put my little brain cell in gear and come up with some other ideas to use and I think they are going to hit real hard too. I've already shared them with Doc and another friend here on creditnet. That's the way we need to do it. Sharing, helping, confabbing with others that you can trust and keep on truckin. And of course, if you don't ask why we are slow to share with others, then someone else will. So I'll head that one off at the pass right now. Many of the strategies we use are or can become dangerous if used incorrectly. That's easy to do. One little wrong move and somebody could be in deep, deep trouble. Ideas have to be tested first and that takes time, effort and money and people willing to step up to the plate and take the risks and the hard knocks if it comes to that. If the information is released to the public then some newcomer to the board will grab up the idea and end up getting it wrong or not understanding how it was meant to be applied and he or she is going to end up in court with a big bill to pay they can't get around. If that ever happens, then creditnet could go down, somebody is going to be awful mad and there is going to be hell to pay. Everybody would lose that way. So it isn't that we are in here trying to commercialize off of creditnet as is often accused. If you are going to lead the way, then you had better protect the innocent or be prepared to pay the price if you fail to do so. Those who holler commercialism just haven't stopped to think it all through and see what could possibly happen if it were any other way. Sooner or later somebody would take bad advice and run with it and get "killed" because of it. We give as much help for free as we possibly can, but we also know where to draw the line.
Re: if item is paid can it be dele Hell, Bill, there's nothing wrong with paid assistance either. It's all about what somebody feels they need to do. I've gone all routes -- do-it-yourself, as well as one of the big repair firms (Lexington), as well as the paid consultation route (Creditwrench). All three have paid tremendous dividends to me. I'd suggest that a newcomer start out by spending a few weeks READING THE BOARDS here before getting started, then making some informed decisions. It's likely that they'll start by tackling the easy disputes by themselves, and that will provide a great start. Doc
Re: if item is paid can it be dele joer- I recently had a PAID collection removed by simply asking them to please remove the account. They did. May work for you. It has worked for me 100% of the time... (well, it *was* the ONLY time). SK