Hello, Bought carpeting on credit agreement through company A who then set me me up with bank company B. Supposed to have contract of no payments no interest for one year. Company B never sent me any notification of a bill. 2 years later collection agency calls and says I owe them $4586.00 Original bill was$2800.00 I never recieved any bill from company B because they did not have my right address! Am willing to pay orginal contracted price.Collection agency says noway! What do I do? Please Help.
Well, they should have to prove you owe that amount. It's hard to beleive that the amount doubled. Maybe some of the seasoned veterans here can answer your question.
He said it was 2 years after the fact- What do you think they should have done ?Wait 20 years and hit him up for $99000.00?
eh? Are these laws or your opinion? Because that makes NO sense. So if you apply that statement to the company B, then they ran out of time because two years is over?
If I had bought 2k of carpet, I sure would have remembered that I had to pay SOMEBODY for it. If a year had gone by, I would have thought, "strange, I didn't get a bill, I PROBABLY need to try and contact someone." And then I would have... unless I was trying to get free carpet.
So you don't think they should have asked him for the money some time before the 2 years was up.? There was no excuse for them to turn it over to a CA when they could have contacted him just as easly as the CA.!.
Of course it makes No Sense! That's why I keep asking the question.Why is it when someone owes me money I only have 2 years to collect it but when I owe somebody money they have 7 years to forever to collect from me.
it's the man trying to keep you down!!! (the fact that you've only got two years to collect on your debt, and they've got seven)
They don't have "forever" to collect a debt... There is a statue of limitations that varies state-by-state. If you have a problem with the "fees" being excesssive, I bet if you look at the original agreement there will be a clause that covers what you agree to be charged should you no pay.
Yes I know but, was it my responseabilty,obligation,burden to pay if I did not recive a bill due to a wrong address of their doing?