OMG! My reports are all clean

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Shirley, Nov 1, 2001.

  1. Shirley

    Shirley Well-Known Member

    I am so stunned.

    As of today, all three of my reports have zero derog info on them.

    My Experian score is 733, Equifax is around 760 and my WorthKnowing score for TU is now 44 (it was 5).

    My credit portfolio now includes: (don't laugh now)

    Associates Visa $300 limit
    Kmart Mastercard $400 limit (just raised from $300)
    Lerner's $250 limit
    Target $300 limit

    The Lerner's card is the oldest. It's more than 10 years old. The other three were gotten this past July.

    I'm waiting on the mail one of these days for a major card from a bank that I applied for. I called to check the status and the rep told me if they did not call me, I was approved and would get the card in 5-10 days. They haven't called me back so I'm waiting. If that comes through I'll scream!

    The only bummer is I applied for a Discover card and they pulled TU. They denied me because of a collection on my TU report. I had no idea what they were talking about and disputed the account with TU. It was deleted very recently and when I called Discover, the rep said since it would be over 30 days before I could get an updated report mailed to them, I'd have to reapply from scratch.

    I am sure that I'm on Citibank's and Amex blacklists so applying for them is something I can't do. Does anyone know if Chase has a blacklist?

    I have an ancient Chase card listed on my report as Inactive/Never late with a $1k limit no balance. I called Chase and they told me it was purged from their system and to fax the info to some office that could research it.. I haven't done that. This account was active around the time that all my other accounts went into collection. I'm sure there was indeed a balance owed on this card and worry that calling them will open a can of worms even though the SOL has definitely run out.

    Should I? Or should I just apply for a Chase card fresh?

    My God, I'm on my way...
  2. pat9100

    pat9100 Well-Known Member

    I am so happy for you. i am also in the "cleansing and healing" process. gosh it must be a wonderful feeling! i hope you treated yourself to a nice dinner!

  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    That's awesome! I'm not sure, this is totally off the wall and but everyone's heard of things coming back so since your in the clear now, for awhile I'd stay away from past problems and continue to build...I have a Target Guest, I opened it this past May with a $200 limit, in September by paying more than the minimum they increased it to $500...I didn't even request an increase but apparently they review account performance every 90 days...Instead of going back to Chase, why not try for the Silver AA card everyone's talking about? From what I've read I think you could easily get it...I still have 2 old collection accounts and 1 new one that just popped up that I really don't even owe money on...anyway I have 3 cap1 cards...2 classic and 1 gold...they have been really great with rebuilding...if you read the post from arobinson you can see how can bring your limits's pretty easy...just limits a few days ago were....200, 200, and 300...I took the advice of this board and now they are 600, 600, and 500...all I did was PFB and call...anyway my point is that there are alot of great offers out there and I wouldn't go looking for past trouble...start over, start this board...and don't make too many inquirys...see what you can really qualify for are definitely on your way! Way to go!
  4. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS! Hopefully in the not so distant future, I will be able to write a similar post. (And not be lying!)
  5. Shirley

    Shirley Well-Known Member

    You will get there. It's so unreal to me. When I first started reading this board I was so incredibly intimidated. Slowly, very slowly, I realized that the key to all of this is patience. It's like building a house of cards. Slow and steady wins.

    I made some mistakes, like applying for cards when I should have sat back and waited, but it becomes like an addiction or something. I might get it, what the hell? It's only one. Then you get denied or 7-10 days and your hunger for that Congratulations screen makes you head off to another site to pull the arm once again. Before you know it you have inquiries and months later, when derogs die off or incorect info is corrected, you have a better shot of getting the card, but now the number of inquiries might be the cause of denial.

    Good luck and believe me, the time goes fast! You think, Wow, I can only address a few errors at a time so it'll be a year before it's all fixed. Well, the time flies. I can't believe it was so long ago that I first posted here totally clueless, after receiving a letter from a collection agency.

    I hope someday to get a house or a condo or something, but that's a major mountain due to the ridiculous prices here in NYC. A tiny house is $300k now. Sheesh.

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