re-reporting charge off's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Nov 1, 2001.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    i just did the credit expert thing for 30 days and you know how you get that aleart email? well the 2 i received said target one day and then mervyns the next were reporting charge off's. the thing is that both were reported as charge off's in 1999. can they keep re-reporting? and if so why do they and what does it mean? thx kelly
  2. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    Re: re-reporting charge off's=bump

    anyone? :)
  3. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    I don't understand your question?? Were these removed and are being reinserted?? They can report these for 7 years so if these are from 99 you have a few years to go for reporting.
  4. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    no,they were never removed. here is what happened. i subscribed to creditexpert for the 30 day free trial, the two charge off's were on my report since 1999. right before i cancelled the creditexpert i received a notice saying important new info had been added to my file and when i went to look it said target and rnb mervyns had reported charge off's. i guess i'd like to know if this means they re reported it or what. kelly
  5. CASPER72

    CASPER72 Well-Known Member

    I hope I understand your question here. I think that I do at least. What they do is just updated your charge off to include your current month if it still is a charge off. I have a credit card that has reported it being charged off every month since 1995 or 1996.


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