Was your approval instant? I had a 653 score on EQ but with 28 inquiries, a judgement, and a charge off (all 3-4 years old) and got the 2 weeks spiel.
Applied for the Target Visa last night. Did not receive instant approval at that time. Called today and spoke with Guest Services. Approved for Target Visa pulled Equifax, $500 limit 18.9 APR :-( Not sure how that happened, just approved for Citi AA $10k last week. O well!
Update. Target Visa limit with increase every month automatically and they have an internal scoring system.
How can you use "ONLY" $500 in one month??? CALL THEM AND ASK IF THEY REALLY EXPECT YOU TO CUT YOUR MONTHLY SPENDING TO $500/MONTH...(I personally was doing $900/week)
Maybe I am not saying the right things to the Rep. I did question the $500 and was given the answer that the limit is increased on a monthly basis. I am not usually pushy about these things, but I believe I would like to push this one. Any suggestions on how to get this limit increased immediately? I was thinking about calling Target and telling them "Thanks but No Thanks" and returning the card. All suggestions are welcomed.
why bother with the card? its rate is horrible for you, and its benefits not much. Go get something that benefits you, like more citi or an amex or something. Seems they are like providian and nextcard and crap 1 and they put you on a "track" and probably when you are on that track your benfits/apr/line will be limited.
I was approved yesterday,they pulled Equifax ,BTW ,I live in New York.My Equifax score was 700 two weeks ago but it's 670 this morning.It seems they are generous about credit limit.