While they are for sale, as they are usually sold by weight, and it was no longer possible to determine the original weight of the item to calculate a sale price. The store overreacted, I agree, and could have charged some price as an average. Were I a store owner, I certainly would not be happy to have shoppers using my store as a lunch counter while shopping.
I understand what you are saying. I am playing devil's advocate. The fact he had not left the store is moot due to the fact peaches are weighed not priced individually and after eating the peach he was not able to produce it or a priced wrapper, can etc. before the sale to determine its exact value. I think it would be asnine to go this far. Just contributing a possible argument.
Same here Jeff! I agree.....just making a good friendly debate. Regardless.....the whole thing is ludicrous! The ludicrous part being the *damages* they charged her.
in getting more infomation on this the uneatten peach weighted @ 30cents.. he said he would pay a 1.00 for the peach..the security guard said no... She went ahead and paid for the gorocies, I would not have.. The store never contacted her... It was after she seen her report..she knew this took place. No law suit from the store... Only from the collector...
Is the collection agency local? Man I'm glad that it wasn't me, cause I would of went to the agency and started something! It's little things like this that make people GO OFF!
The security guard is a little, little man. Probably picked on in high school and now taking out his anger on everyone in his great position of authority as a security guard. ( not that there's anything wrong with being a security guard. )
The collection agency is in cali... You are right is crazy!.... You are right it make people want to go Off! Altho I understand the zero tolerence... As you said as least give her a peach worth $183.000 What A shame! If you want to teach him a lesson...then make him pay double for the peach.. right on the spot... But the cost is CRAZY!..
Ok, just for this post, I am back. I don't mean to rag on anyone here, but where was the mother while he was eating the peach? Didn't she know that the peach needed to be weighed in order to accurately determine the price? Technically it could be construed as shoplifting, but the 17 1/2 year old son was most likely not a minor at that time. In NY, the age of majority is 17. Therefore the parents could not be legally responsible for their child's actions. There are certain circumstances when that is not true, but that involves insurance, which is not applicable here. The formal charges were probably petit larceny, a felony. The reason the judge probably dismissed the case is because he/she thought it was a waste of the court's time and that the kid learned his lesson. Regardless, the amount of the peach is owed. I would make the kid write a letter about payment in exchange for deletion, and make him pay for it. Period. Just my $.02. BOY!!! It's good to be back, even if it's only part time.
I agree!... he probably was beaten up on in school. Mabe that his reason for carrying this so far... There were not need for this! Need to show his authority...always got picked on... I think there's a time to show authority and a time to settle things. especially if he has admitted wrong and wants to pay for it...