trans union is now live!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by direct, Nov 2, 2001.

  1. direct

    direct Well-Known Member

    Just went to Trans Union's website, you can now get your credit report and score ON Line! Just two days ago, the only way I could get it online was through

  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the info!
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Sorry quick question, who else here has to deal with the 'local office' when it comes to TU?

    hey Bill I probably have so many posts in such a short time cause I write 2 lines and then remember something else after I hit submit.
  4. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Make sure you fill in all the info or you will get blocked for 30 days, dont ask how I know this{lol}
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    EXCELLENT News... Nice find!
  6. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Be careful, last time I ordered my report online, they charged my credit card 6 times for one report... end result, I got the report free & charges reversed, but it still made me hoppin mad.
  7. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    GREAT NEWS!!. Thanks for the info.

    I just saw my report online. I pay nothing because was denied in the last 30 days. My score was 705
    Btw I am in Florida (there is a local bureau).

    I also pulled credit expert and my score raise by
    1 point to 745.
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    If someone figures out this whole scoring process please write a book and make millions from it! My score dropped by 9 points in the past 3 months, no new inquiries (actually had some removed) and a neg account is being reported as positive now.
    I also noticed one of my paid charge offs is showing a balance so I disputed it as not mine.
    Go figure!
  9. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info!

    I've been done with TU for a while, but was able to get a free report from a recent inquiry.
  10. danrs

    danrs Well-Known Member

    " trans union is now live!"

    And My Score SUCKS!!!!

    Finally was able to see my TU score though, so that's something.

    So, now I know all 3 scores:

    TU 620
    EQ 728
    EX 688

    Not great, but a HELL of a lot better than it was 6 months ago before I SUED THE CRAP out of the CRA's.

    Also found out, that while TU was thumping their chest in response to my lawsuit (I folded like a cheap suit due to family probs and dismissed) that even though they looked to want to fight me, the main account which I filed the lawsuit for IS NO LONGER THERE! Gee, wonder why that is, maybe, possibly, BECAUSE IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! They never settled with me, but the account is now mysteriously "gone". Gee, how 'bout that?


  11. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I know, and I am blocked for 30 days too. 1 strike and you're out! Hell, even a pitcher gets 3.

    -Peace, Dave
  12. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Well all I can tell you is that you better buy some of Dr. Bauer's little memory pills because I am real, real jealous and I got to be the NUMERO UNO and if I catch you sneaking up behind me in the number of posts because you keep forgetting like that I will either have to unleash a flame war on you or hit the submit button after every word I type. That would teach you a thing or two.

  13. 2244y

    2244y Well-Known Member

    TU score 584,I don't have any negative on my file,my other score are Experian 716 and Equifax at high 600.I never thought my TU score is so low.BTW,thanks all for the TU info.
  14. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Seems to me something is drastically out of whack here. There just should not be such a huge spread between the 3 scores. It has to mean that you have some pretty nasty derogs or a lot of inquiries on TU in order to get that low and still have a 716 on Experian.

    Just don't make too much sense to me any other way of looking at it.
  15. 2244y

    2244y Well-Known Member

    Hello bbauer,I don't have any negative in my TU file,I just checked it,in the beginning of the TU file,it states "no adverse trade".I have no inquiry in last 6 months and 3 in last 12 months.The only difference is I have a car loan(have paid off,no late) on TU,all the other info are the same on three CRA.
  16. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    Great info. got it free and score is 641 ;) Was 554 before.
  17. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    Big jump leo congrats on the jump in points.

  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Well then, that's proof enough that this score business is way out of whack, there is no common relationship between the scores between the companies and the only way the lenders have at the present time is to come up with their own best estimate as to what is or is not a good risk. I'm sure that many of them pull all 3 and then do their own average score at the present time. Just a guess, but hopefully an educated one.

    I just went into a long dissertation about scores in another thread so I'm not going to repeat it here again, but there just has to be a way to get this mess all straightened out and put to bed and I'm working on a solution to the problem that will hopefully provide me and maybe others with some solid answers. Right now, the major problem is even getting the scores in the first place unless my customer comes up with a tri-merge and they don't give all the other answers we need all the time. Some do, some don't.

    I'm working on a solution to the problem right now, but can't tell yet if I can get the job done or not. Time will tell. But the applications would be enormously beneficial.
  19. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Hallelujah! Thanks for the info. So glad TU pulled itself into the 21st century!

    Gonna check it out now!
  20. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    ALL RIGHT! This is great news, TU finally caught up with the rest of the world. Good for them!

    About time!

    Thanks for the update!!!!


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