Scary Letter from Citibank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Nov 6, 2001.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    When I got home tonight and picked up my mail, I had an envelope from Citibank. All of you probably know what kind of envelope I'm talking about. The standard size one that is much too small and thin to contain a credit card, and feels like it contains only one sheet of paper.

    I was convinced when I picked this up that Citi had changed their mind about giving me a card, and that I was going to find a denial letter in the envelope.

    Nope! A one sheet letter saying welcome to Citi MasterCard membership, and that I would get my card in 7-10 days!


    I HATE those thin one-sheet small envelopes!
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I got one from them too today, only mine said my income wasn't high enough? I don't get it. I think I may have typed it in wrong. Although my income is not great (35,000) it is not grounds for denial. Maybe I typed in 3500. Congrats on your new card!
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member


    each month Providian sent me my statement. I never knew what "monster" charges would appear!

    arf dogman :)
  4. cmbrady

    cmbrady Active Member

    I got the same thing today. Danced around the living room with a goofy grin on my face for few minutes. My friend thought I was nuts but, well, that's nothing new. Now the long wait to get the card. Urgh!

  5. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    got that too, it's my second citibank card. $5000 limit. that makes the total $15000.

    I will keep both cards seperate for now.

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