Hi folks... I'm sitting here with my credit report (3 combo) infront of me and I can not locate where it states what my 'credit score' is. I figured by requesting my report that it would come with the score too. Anyone know how to figure it or where I can find it on the report? Thanks!!!
On that note, does anyone know of a way to obtain your credit scores other than with a credit card or is that pretty much the only way? Equifax and Experian say they don't have access to these scores.
<<Not on the report.You have to pay extra for it.>> That's not right! Thanks for your input though. I think for the money one pays out that they should include it all for one lump sum.
http://myfico.com/ Only the Equifax FICO score is available to consumers. Ask your banker for the other two; he'll enjoy the cloak-and-dagger.