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15 Inquiries deleted - Creditexpert

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Nov 7, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    I just want to mention that I got my 15th hard inquiry deletion this month on Experian.

    One inquiry was not deleted. I suspect that I disputed too soon. Others on the board have mentioned the 2 month rule. - The rule as stated - Do not dispute until the inquiry is 2 months old.

    There may be merit to the "2 month rule"!!

    15 hard inquiries deleted is quite remarkable in my opinion. Thanks to the board.

    Best regards,

  2. rebrake

    rebrake New Member

    <<15 hard inquiries deleted is quite remarkable in my opinion. Thanks to the board. >>

    Jim... PLEASE share your method of getting the inquires removed. Many of us are "green" to the methods of improving our credit reports. thanks!
  3. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the late answer. I have been busy.

    The 15 deleted inquiries were done via Creditexpert ( Experian ). I just simply disputed the inquiries and they were deleted. It appears that the creditors keep a record of our inquiries for 2 months. If you dispute after the 2 month interval, the inquiries will likely go away. Therefore - I got rid of 15 out of 16 inquiries I disputed

    On Equifax - I got one (1) hard inquiry changed to soft after I contacted the creditor. So the creditor actually did the work. One other creditor agreed to make the change from hard to soft inquiry but nothing ever happened.

    On Trans Union - No deletions have happened despite my repeated attempts to dispute. Bkev, Leo and Cyprigirl have reported that they used Bkev's method to dispute inquiries and got results. I tried it last week and again had no luck.

    Maybe TU doesn't like me. LOL.

    Best regards,


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