I have waited 5 years..Here it is

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, Nov 6, 2001.

  1. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    You have a right to express your opinion everyone does. I for one expressed my opinion as well. As LKH mentioned he could have went the 7 route and then nobody would have gotten a dime, he choose the 13 route and paid back what he was asked and paid it off in the time period, also he did pay out more (carloan was paid) and did have insurance for his family. Yes his has done well in credit restoration but that is not why I have so much respect for him, I admire him for getting a second chance at life and living it . He did not have to share his story here but he did, ALL of it.
    There are so many walks of life that post here and I know he has given people hope and has given advice and support to many many people.
  2. Donna

    Donna Well-Known Member

    It took a lot of courage for Dogman to share his story. The reason for his disclosure was not to receive accolades; rather, his intent was to help and encourage others.

    I found Dogman's story to be very inspirational. By sharing his experience, he offered hope to others who are facing credit struggles.

    Until I've been in someone's situation, I'm not willing to pass judgment. We may think we know how we would respond in certain situations but we don't know for sure until we've been there.

    Dogman took responsibility for his actions and made good on his promise to pay the creditors. I salute him!

  3. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I agree.

    I also think that in some cases, if you can't say something nice don't say it at all!!!!!!

    How do you know Dogman's life insurance would have gone to family? I'm not going to pry, but frankly, it was his business how he spent that "last year" Thank God it wasn't his last year.

    Instead of condemning him, admire him for bravery and being honest, and show him compassion as he battles this disease.

    Otherwise, just shut up.
  4. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Thanks All - arrfff thanks.....

    Geez, arf, I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR RESPONSES. Some of you have emailed me and told me some amazing things. I won't share - but there are lots of people out there that really have been through ordeals at least as great as the AIDS sentence.

    Davey - I should have clarified - I reread it.
    No I did not spend $130K in one year. Remember the time sequence here. 1981-1996.

    There are NO DRUGS for AIDS. 1981-1996. Month by month, year by year, you watch your friends wither, catch some unusual disease, then die.
    Some find out, then die immediately. I was diagnosed in 1986. I thought every single day for 10 solid years that I might and would die but not sure when.

    FYI - I do not have a wife or husband - I am a single bi male in San Francisco. I would hope you would realize that my banker, attorney, doctor, broker are all in lockstep and have been for years.

    You may be interested to know that there is a very significant correlation in major metropolitan areas
    with prior high income TRIPLE A credit single individiuals, mostly white unmarried males (LOL), suddenly filing Chap 7 or Chap 13. The deal is, when everyone was given a death sentence and was dying - shortly - we had it covered with insurance. The AIDS DRUGS HIT and all of a sudden, people LIVED, and the insurance they had wasn't available.

    Davey - it was awful. You wonder every hour what a bump might mean, why you lost appetite, etc etc.
    The last thing on anyone's mind in this critical - hopeless - situation is that they are screwing anybody 5 years later. I am amazed I am alive to respond to you.

    Again, that's the great thing about this Board. We all learn. I am still glad I posted the message.
    We have different views, but now you all should
    know, if you are in severe financial trouble, and try
    CCCS, etc. and they tell you NO, do what you need to do.

    It has been stress free for 5 years, instead of any
    harrassment. And credit reports are fluid. If I am alive in 2003, I will get my AMEX PLatinum Charge!
    I can hardly wait to open that envelope. And of course, I need to have a conversation with my AMEX Acct Mgr - seems to me that if they had to look at this manually, they might as well qualify for the GOLD and BLUE in one swipe. LOL AROOO!

    Speaking of AMEX, I sure miss our friend Jason at AMEX. He was great!

    ONE MORE COMMENT PLZ....IF I had $130K and 12 months only, that first $80K would be on that Silver Porsche 911... aroooooo!

    best regards - dogman

    Now - back to the war........sorry.....LOL!
    arrrrffff- Dogman
  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    $MP40----about the ROLEX?

    I have the Rolex Submariner black face, stainless steel band. Er ah - the cheap one! Retail on the ROLEX 2002 version is $3875. $6000 SS and 18KT gold. $8500 with sapphires. Then, they move youo to the Yachtmaster display case.

    "YACHTMASTER" - hell that sounds powerful LOL!

    $MP40 - you know how WE BAY folks are....
    you snapping the stores flashing that AMEX and a Coach wallet.

    me in SF, blue oxford shirt, khakis, cheapest ROLEX Submariner, greenest Green Card! you know the look - understated as hell when you walk in Saks. LOL arooo!
  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: $MP40----about the ROLEX?

    Howl Howl LOL

    Dog, I got my Rolex in Chinatown NYC...some guy who let me have my $5000 Rolex for ... you'll never guess... FIVE BUCKS!!! Now If THAT's not a deal I dunno what is. :))) ... OK on the face it says Rollex, but he told me it makes it more valuable and will increase in value since it is a RARE misprint!

    We Love you DOG! I hope they find that 20:1 pill for you soon...actually I hope you never have to even take the 1 soon...Peace out, Dave
  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Fake Rolex....

    Chinatown NYC - $5 huh? I got screwed by paying $20 AMERICAN DOLLARS for a "lookalike" several years ago LOL - that was a strange experience - cross that river - then after a shot or two - nasty tequila - just can't get back.

    TJ has a great selection of fakes.
    Hey too bad amexol.net quit huh?

    c ya dogman
  8. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Re: $MP40----about the ROLEX?

    It has taken me this long to respond because I have been lying down on my bed laughing! My kids think I'm crazy....

    Dog, my hat is off to you....my Bay Area Cyber Buddy!

    One day I'll have me a cheapie b.s. Rollie to floss. At this point I'm trying to figure out if it's o.k. to have prime cards like AMEX, have Coach and Louie, wear a b.s. Rollie, drive a Caddy, and RENT a 2 bedroom apartment. It should be against the law, you'd think? NA...not here!!! You know what us Bay Area Paycheck Hustlers say: Anywhere else you buy a house, out here you buy nice things! I think I'll be asking the mailroom lady if she can add me as AU on her Gold charge! HA! :))
  9. IncomeHelp

    IncomeHelp Well-Known Member

    Thank you for sharing your story. That is very special.

    I hope for the best in health to you.

  10. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Congrats, Dogman -
    Did anyone ever see the Jerry Lewis movie "Hook, Line, and Sinker" ? Dogman could have played the leading role! I can't remember how Jerry got out of debt - anyone?

    " Some days it's all fetching and no pats on the head"
  11. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Hey Dog. Thanks for sharing. You always seem to lift my mood. Your stories are so inspiring, I have to slap myself out of guilt for complaining about the simple everyday problems in life.
    I know your credit will soar. You will have all that you want and more. You deserve it!! Aarf!! :-D
  12. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yea it was a great movie (almost as good as the Amazing Mr. Wooley LOL)....didn't it end with a bunch of doctors operating on Jerry to remove a sailfish sticking out of his chest :)

    -Peace, Dave
  13. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    Your story is incredible Dogman. I, for one, believe a lot of what happens to us in life has to do with attitude--how we react to the things that happen to us. You definitely have a positive one!

    Keep barking!

  14. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    OH NO! You mean it isn't spelled


    I knew that guy in Brooklyn looked kinda shady!
  15. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member


    I agree.

    I also think that in some cases, if you can't say something nice don't say it at all!!!!!!

    How do you know Dogman's life insurance would have gone to family? I'm not going to pry, but frankly, it was his business how he spent that "last year" Thank God it wasn't his last year.

    Instead of condemning him, admire him for bravery and being honest, and show him compassion as he battles this disease.

    Otherwise, just shut up.

    Once again, my opinion. Everyone else managed to at least let me express it. I have compassion for Dog, appreciate EVERYONE'S honesty, but dislike being told to "shut up".

    Sorry to rustle your (or anyone elses) feathers.
  16. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member


    I feel very inspiring by your past history and absolutely trusted your honesty for repaying your indebtness, congratulation to your success!!!

    Hope you upgrade to Amex Platinum charge soon!

    Best wishes,

  17. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member


    Congratulations way to go, my other half is medically fragile and was not expected to make it as early as 1987. We have made the most of life, seeing places and doing many things. These days she is still beating the odds and is doing well.

    I actually filed a Chapter 7 in 1989, totally rebuilt by 1997 and filed again in August of 1998. While not proud of this, I would do things the same based on the circumstances.

    It will take six more years one month at a time to pay a large family loan. I know this time we are going to make it.

    It is amazing how serious health issues impact life decisions. A Credit history while it impacts many areas of life is of limited concern when life is passing.

    When times are good we run hard. Boston which is 150 miles away has been great for state of the art care. We have been blessed with Doctors who have gone the extra-mile. Yes I do believe in serious time of need God does provide.

    Thanks to people on this board sharing the good and the bad I am slowly rebuilding both of our scores.

    Again Congratulations it is nice to know that others have survived the medical merry go round.
  18. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    UR Right AMaineman!

    AND, they have, obviously, the best medical minds in the country/world in Boston.

    I understand your situation 100%.
    I really appreciate your response :)

    best - dogman

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