My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK AG

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by roni, Nov 13, 2001.

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  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Tuit: Do you seen any mention of letters to me in the attachements? No. You don't have to wait for the crack dealer to sell you drugs to complain to the police and you don't have to supply letters from a junkie when you do. ILLEGAL is illegal. If I'm so off base Bill has nothing to worry about right?

    You do not have to be a CreditWrench customer to be a consumer. I did not file the complaint as a customer, but rather as a consumer... one who, just like you, has legal rights. I have nothing personal to gain from the outcome. Do you? Are you a CreditWrench customer or is Bill paying you in anyway for your support here?

    :) Have a good day.
  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Well, let's be fair. If you're going after Bill because he is a credit repair organization let's go after all of've reported Lexington and Junum, right? After that let's go after every single person who has used credit repair...shame on them. What were they thinking trying to better their credit chances because the credit bureaus, collection agencies, and creditors do not feel the need to post accurate information and one late payment should mess up your history for the next seven years. And then we should go after the credit forums because they actually post information about credit repair organizations.

    Give me a break. You reported Bill because you don't like him. You're not trying to abide by the law and save consumers.

  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    BigH... I too asked Bill if he would have any problem with me posting this letter. I asked him several times. In my final request I stated that unless he objected I would consider his silence an approval. He didn't reply. So, please don't think I didn't inform Bill of this.

    PBM did not ask me to refrain, he said to restrain. I have... I've not taken the time to correct all the errors in each of Bill's posts nor have I bothered to mention the CROA everytime he solicts his service.

    It's not beyond my comprehension... He has not asked what you state! :) Have a nice day.
  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Dani: I'm all for being fair, but you should start with biggest offender right? It seems that Junum and Lexington are working for clients with a written contract as the CROA requires... they provide the required consumer disclosure statements, opt out periods, information, etc... I've said repeatedly that this is not personal. If Bill was not breaking the law, there would be no need to ask for an investigation.

    Dani, I have a very simple question for you... "Why should Bill be above the law?" Can you answer that?

    Thank you. Have a nice day! :)
  5. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    bkev, harassment is harssment, you your self state that you have not been harmed by Bill nor have you received any requests by his members requesting that you intervene on their behalf...please put your talents to better and more constructive use.
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Bill, should not be above the law, but your attack on him is one-sided. Fine, maybe Bill doesn't operate a 'legit' business...there are many businesses that don't play by the rules and, eventually, they will be caught. But, until his CUSTOMERS begin yelling about the terrible service they have received from CreditWench, aka Bill B, then I see no reason to step in. Right now, you're going by suspicion because of yours and Bill's campaigns to destroy each other. Personally, I'm tired of reading about the need to outdo one another. You both offer very good, common sense advice when you're not trying to yank the noose tighter around each others necks.

  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Dani/Tuit.... Again, my response is the same... you don't wait for the drug dealer to sell to your kids before complaining.... you don't have to have requests from a junkie ask for an investigation...

    I'm well within my rights as a consumer to request an investigation. If Bill is not breaking the law (even if he benefits you!) then he has NOTHING to worry about...... It's that simple!
  8. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    I don't really like your drug dealer metaphor/analogy. Comparing Bill to someone who is a true menace is an insult to those whose lives have really been messed up by drugs. So, if worse comes to worse, Bill screws someone. At least he didn't make them addicts or get them killed. I don't know, I can't explain my feelings very well in this instance, but your analogy to drug dealers makes me highly uncomfortable. It's a totally different league then what you're talking about here.
  9. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Dani, I respectfully disagree with this principle. The law is the law, and can be enforced whether the specific consumers (i.e. victims) do anything about it or not. There's sufficient precedent for "the state" pursuing legal action on its own.

    If Bkev thinks that BBauer is breaking the law by not abiding under credit repair firm laws (which, if this is true, *does*separate him from Lexington and Junum), then it is okay for Bkev to pursue it with the OK AG or whomever else needs to know.

    I do disagree with Bkev posting the entire letter on the site, but I don't necessarily disagree with him in pursuing this if he thinks there is a legitimate (albeit general) complaint.
  10. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    OK bkev, have it your way, you have lost all reason when it comes to this matter. I respect your right to express your views, please consult with pbm and see if a Off-Topic forum can be created that will allow you to pursue this issue. Thanks,
  11. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    My point, Bkev, was that if you chooose to use semantics any number of companies, posters, websites etc could be interpeted to be in violation of the CROA or one of a number of laws. I personally don't see that anything Bill does is much different from many books, websites etc.

    I respect your opinion and your right to disagree with him, I simply don't agree with it. I find it odd that you have fostered such a dislike for Bill, since as far as I know you don't know him personally.

    Anyone interested in credit repair, is obviously an adult - capable of making their own decisions about paying for his information or not doing so. It is even more apparent that anyone reading this board should be patently aware that whatever information he provides, they could find similar information here for free. Caveat Emptor.

    You have a nice day as well.
  12. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    And the "I TOLD YOU SO" award goes to BKev. Congratulations!!! Why don't you go to Disneyland and celebrate. Maybe then you can let it go.
  13. IncomeHelp

    IncomeHelp Well-Known Member

    If your intention was only to protect consumers you would not have posted it here.

    Your posting here is equal to getting on soap box and preaching for your own purpose. At least if you had done that on a street corner you would receive what the listening public cared to give. Either praise or tomatoes.

    Your personal agenda does not belong here.

    The answers to questions that people ask here, that would be nice to hear you answer. We all know that you can not stand Bill, so keep your attacks private.

    I believe the fair warning was only to attract attention.

    Do the CRA always act within the law? Posts here, and my personal knowledge convince me that answer is no.

    Does Bill help people? The posts here convince me he has helped people. The only complaints I hear are yours.

    Did you pay him and receive no help?

    Obviously as you have tried to get people who have paid Bill to complain and they have not, you felt like you had to stand up and be the hero. Yet it was not enough to "just do it" Personal information had to be publicly posted by you to "rub it in." Gee, what a big man you must be.

    Do you feel better now? Did you get it out of your system? What should we expect next from you.

  14. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Bkev's intent was to put so much doubt and fear in the hearts of Bill's customers and potential customers that it would put him out of business.

    Bkev, there is a thing called slander. It seems like Bill has a real right to sue the pants off you. As far as we know, you do not have evidence Bill is ripping people off. So your claims in a public forum are false, which leaves you wide open to a lot of trouble.

    I hope each of you have a good lawyer.
  15. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Read further John... If you care to be freeted with the truth.... someone has already posted how they believe bill ripped them off.

    Facts and Laws please... personal attacks don't prove anything!
  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  17. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I have just 2 words for this post and they are:


    You have ruined the board, congratulations. Did you even notice that Bill hasn't responded to your posts? Do you honestly think that by posting that arrogant letter here you would get some respect? You obviously don't care what other's think. There are 35 posts in this thread and almost all of them are asking you to stop.

    I used to respect what you said, but the longer you continue to start a war with others on this board, the more respect you lose.

    I sincerely hope that you get what you want out of this. Honestly, I could care less.
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