Hi all. I've been a lurker for a couple of weeks now and am enjoying the great amount of information here. I do have a question that maybe someone can help me out with. About 2 years ago I had a redeemed repo from GMAC. I owe them exactly no money and I own the car. As far as my credit reports, it is listed on all but TU. It (through some amazing stroke of luck) was removed from there while using Lexington. Now for my question. GMAC is listed on Planet feedback. Should I write them and ask them to improve my rating or should I just leave it the way it is considering it will likely reappear on TU if the rating is improved? Which would be the lesser of the 2 evils? I have had no late payments on any open accounts in 2 years. Mediccc24 Slowly curing crappy credit
Personally, I would dispute it with the CRA first. GMAC could potentially update information to the others....
If you have ANY bad feeling/ratings/etc. with GMAC I would leave well enough alone. From my dealings with them, they are VERY vindictive.. Deb @ Mich St