I sent out a bunch of verification letters a couple of weeks ago and I'm wondering how I find out when/if they were signed for. The tracking page on www.usps.com says that tracking hasn't been purchased for this item. So how do I verify when the mail was signed for?
The best way is to call up the post office where the mail was sent to and have them provide you with the proof. That's what the post office says to do.
For your convenience, I would suggest sending them certified, return receipt, then you no longer need to wonder when the package was received as the 'green card' is mailed back to you.
Yeah! I guess I didn't read that too good before I gave him an answer so I assumed that he had sent them Certified. Thanks for jumping in and waking me up so I can die right. LOL
Next time ask for ps form 152 which is Delivery Confirmation Receipt (Lime Green Color) it will have a toll free # and a WWW site to track Delivery. Hopes this helps. Tuit
Bruteforce said he was trying to figure out when they were signed for, so I took it that he sent them CRRR and just hadn't received the green card yet. Just my take on his post. Tuit
BB and Tuit, You guys had the right to assume that it was certified mail, that is that he put in the title of the post.
BruteForce- You can get delivery information for your Certified mail *after* the fact. Go to the PO and ask for the form. Tuit- You cannot use Delivery Confirmation on letters. SK
Thanks guys/gals. I did send them plain ol' certified mail WITHOUT return receipt. I'll be doing that in the future.
?????? Clarify... You DON'T want the "green card" for an extra fee??? Or are you going to do it the "right" way CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED???
Lol, sorry. I mean I will be doing both: Certified Mail w/return receipt. Then again, there's always Signature confirmation in addition to Certified which I like best. It allows you to get a faxed copy of the signature.