up from 554 just last month. Lots of new credit lines reporting and all inquiries removed except 1. Thanks!
Amen to that. TU is my worse report and I've been pounding them hard about the inquiries. They're reporting 2 as hard that were my own inquiries via 3rd-parties and should be soft. And they're reporting one of my best tradelines as "closed by consumer". NOT!!! I mean, don't that just fry your gravy!
So far I have been fortunate not to have experienced any major disturbances in life. (forcing me to file for bk or pay late) Most of my disputes with the CRA's have been wrong addresses, duplicate accounts, INQUIRIES ( lots ) I have learned a lot from this board. Although everyone has there own set of problems there is one thing we all have in commen. We all want to better our credit. And no matter what means you take to try to accomplish it we should all be persistent and never give up. Good things happen to good people. leo
just checked mine and it went from 677 to 705 in one week.do not know why.just disputed inquiries on 11\8.when i went back into to fix my birthday they messed up i noticed they fixed my wrong phone# but inquires i disputed are still there,also nothing came up in previous disputed items.shouldnt they have been there?? i did notice inquires i didnt dispute were gone! dont they normally stay on for 2 years?
Yeah, 2 years is the drop dead date for inquiries. Also, did any of your recently opened tradelines age? That gives you a boost from 6 to 24 months.