To begin Holiday disputing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Nov 14, 2001.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    What is the best date to begin an online dispute?... using this holiday season as leverage (if any exists).

    I asked online to remove the variable of the time it takes for the CRA to get the dispute (assume added time for postal disputes). So in other words what is the best holiday time for the time it takes for the CRA to process the request, send the validation(s), account lookup/validation by creditor, and creditor response time (if any).

    I am thinking early December say the first week? Maybe late November? Any thoughts?

    -Peace, Dave
  2. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    I hope someone answers you! I have been trying to get this information also. The date I remember someone suggesting was December 5.

    I also wonder if we should send in disputes one at a time, each day. I think someone mentioned that before also. I don't have time to look it up right now.

    Any suggestions??
  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I was going to try sometime between the 12-14th of December to get that paid Ford Credit chargeoff (if he hasn't already been removed! :-D ). Last time EFX said that it took Ford like 10 business days to respond. I had planned on doing this on-line. Now writing a letter might be a different story. You have to take into consideration holiday mail delays and Anthrax! :-O
  4. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    hmmmm...most mail I would think is during Xmas(25th)...New Years(Jan 1st), Kwanzaa(December 26th), Chanukah (December 9) adding to the mail volume.

    Say most people mail Xmas cards to arrive the week before the 25th so they would be in the system right on or beginning around the week of the 7th ...MP may have a good date right in the middle of the traffic. To include all the holidays the 5th would be good too...hmmmmm.

    -Peace, Dave
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I spoke to a woman today at equifax to dispute 2 last things and I told her I was trying to get a mortgage, she said that she would put a 14 day rush on it. So maybe if we all CALL and say something like that and ask for a rush on it, it will help things get deleted. Although who knows she was probably just saying that to make me happy.
  6. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member


    Please keep us updated on that 14 day rush. Are you have items deleted?
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    They had fixed my Cap One from an R9 to an R5 but then they never took the 'currently being investigated' off the report, so I got the R5 results dated 11/5 then it was back to an R9 on 11/7, I had given them a contact number for cap one (eugene).So basically they are just calling again to change it BACK to the R5. The other item is a charge off I paid off today, I gave them a contact number and told the EQU lady it wasn't mine (the creditor said she would remove it). Maybe it's cause I had contact numbers or maybe its cause I said I was buying a house. I told the EQU lady the creditors said they would update within 60 days and I told the EQU I couldn't wait that long.

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