
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Karen, Nov 15, 2001.

  1. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I am in the process of moving and want to apply for new credt card. I am boarderline now on getting approval. Am concerned that if I use my new address, I will have one more negative against me. Can I use the old address and let them forward the credit card to the new address? Or, do they send the credit card in one of those envelopes that does not allow forwarding? I have already done the change of address with the PO so cannot ask the new tenant at the old address to forward. Old address still shows up on credit reports. I have not changed address with any creditor.
  2. cjd

    cjd Active Member

    I recently moved and applied for the Citi AA cards. I used my new address and had no problem. Although I was approved they needed to verify my phone number and address (phone bill), so if you have a phone bill you will be fine.

    I personally don't have local phone service and use a cell phone for everything, so I sent that. I'm still waiting to hear back, but I hope that is ok with Citi. Does anyone know if Citi is ok with this?
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    You need to use the new address. Most credit cards do not allow forwarding. Many times you will need your home telephone number to activate the account.

    Many applications ask for your current address and how long you have lived there. If it is less than two years, they ask for the previous address to make sure your SS# matches the CR the pull.

    A new address should have no impact upon your approval unless you've purchased a house an it works against you for new tradelines.

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