Ok I cancelled it yesterday before the 30 days were up (would have been 30 days tomorrow). If I re-sign up for it RIGHT NOW, will they charge me for the membership tomorrow? Or should I wait until say day 32? I am so impatient, and after disputing my late pays with Ford and getting that almighty letter from Ford they FINALLY updated it today, and I want to know what it did to my score! kellie
Wait. I remember someone re-signed up with a different credit card, a day or 2 after cancelling, and was immediately charged for the full year. I also remember reading someone waiting 30 days and signing up for the free trial again, but have not tried it myself so I can not verify. Search the board on Credit Expert you may find some info about it. -Peace, Dave
Thanks Dave, I tried the search and came up with 1187 messages with the words credit and expert..lol. Guess I'll wait to see if anyone else has done it. Kellie
I added a few search terms to yours and found one link from BKEV (looks like you'll have to ask him how he does it privately though Click here for the thread Just add more terms to - Credit Expert - like - "free trial" - or - cancel free ... I am sure you will find more posts without wading through 1187 LOL. -Peace, Dave
I have cancelled and signed back up with Creditexpert 3 times now. I usually wait a day or two then change the username and register. I forgot to disenroll one time and they charged me the fee, they reimbursed me within a week for the full fee. Good Luck
I just cancelled before the 30 days were up, and I was charged anyway. I sent 2 emails and made three phone calls to them. Each rep told me on the phone that the account was cancelled. However, they had a hold pending on my credit card. I thought it was finally cleared up last night, and tonight I find out that the hold became a charge along with an overlimit fee! So, I would recommend checking to make sure they have not charged your account even though you asked them to cancel your membership. I do remember reading that people were signing up for more than one free trial. In my case, nothing changed the whole month. Hope it works out better for you!!!
This is great, I just tried to log in at Credit Expert, my account is inactive, but they took the full $79 from your credit card two days ago! Now I am really angry.