OK One month after starting my credit rehab this is what I have gotten done. Experian AU charge of from 2000 removed repo (1996) removed phone bill removed 2 inquires from 2001 removed START SCORE 621 END SCORE 618 (WTF) eQUIFAX Judgment from 1998 gone AU charge off removed 2 inquires 1 NEW one added START SCORE 622 NOW 659 TRANSUNION JUDGMENT GONE REPO GONE 136.00 COLLECTION GONE 1 NEW INQ. START SCORE 635 END SCORE 599 AGAIN WTF??????
I have no idea, but this got me thinking about the credit scores jumping around again. My new theory as far as why credit scores jump around is that FICO is a statistical formula generated by looking at real credit reports and recent negative activity. Like maybe people with a 30 day late, a 60 day late and an old charge off is a better risk than just the 60 day late and old charge off. Basically the reason it jumps around is quirks in statistical samples. Or alternatively they periodically regenerate their score tables and our scores jump then.
the ONLY score that matters is EQF because it is the only one of the three that is a FICO (what the lenders see)... seems like you're doing pretty well to me... Keep it up!