I know. I was thinking about cancelling today, because my 30 days is coming. I don't know now, I have checked it about 10 times! Got all my dusputes back today 1 neg left on EQU +2 30 DAY LATES (STARTED WITH 6) 2 neg on Ex + 1 30 day late trans- yuck 4 negs and 2 30 day lates (started with 9)
This has been down for 2 days now and my 30 days is up as well..Hopefully they will credit us the days.
ohnostuck Congrats - How did you do it? I am new to all of this and take comfort in your success. Read my post " Newbie - Equifax all messed up" dated 11/17 for my history. All the Best, Kat
Hi there I am new at this! I don't think I could give you the best advice. I do not think that you should be using a service though, you can this all yourself. Dispute, dispute, dispute. I didn't lie. My first advice would be not to hide from the collectors. Send them letters. Send them the C&D letter if you do not want to talk to them on the phone, but don't hide from them. They know that is what you are doing. Also with the C&D letter send the validation letter. This is where my sucess is. Chances are, they don't have all of your info and you don't have to do much of anything.
Yeah, what's up with that? I have my delivery confirmation re: letter experian rec'd from me for tax lien, but I can't check to see if they updated! Ugh!!! Maybe I broke experian?
doodyhead, you must have broken Experian--it was working fine before your letter (LOL!). I have been checking several times a day to get updates on a public record that should be removed--nervewracking. Guess we have to be a little more patient (sigh) and wait until tomorrow. cariba