Were to get true FICO besides EQ

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by $wealth$, Nov 19, 2001.

  1. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    For the past 2.5 months I have been unable to purchase my credit report or Score Power from Equifax. I keep getting a message that they can't confirm my identity or that my credit file is too big.

    At this point, I just want to know were I can purchase my true FICO score from besides getting it from Equifax.

    Thanks for any help.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ONLY THIS...

    Did you try calling on the phone and asking for them to send it to you for FREE, since they won't let you pay $12.95???
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    So, Equifax is a true FICO? My quetion is then is that what lenders see is THAT score? Or are there FICOS that we don't see from the other cra's?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    SUPPOSEDLY...the ONLY "TRUE" F.I.C.O. we can get is EQUIFAX, TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN are available...BUT NOT TO US!!!
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Any lender that pulls that report.

  6. Newcomer

    Newcomer Well-Known Member

    Go to qspace and pull it. That's what I had to do because equifax was saying that my file was too big as well. www.qspace.com

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