Just married

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by toromio, Nov 19, 2001.

  1. toromio

    toromio Well-Known Member

    I just pulled my credit reports from equifax and experian on line using my married name. WELL, to my great delight the scores are signifcantly higher (almost 100 points!!)!!! We are about to apply for a mortgage. What I want to know is this... If I apply using my married name are the banks going to get the same information I just got, and if so what is my "window" before the two reports are merged?

    Any and all information is greatly appreciated.
  2. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by 2 reports being merged?? You still should just have your orginal reports, the only thing that changed was your last name??

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Maybe you got 100 EXTRA points for being married...
  4. toromio

    toromio Well-Known Member

    I have 2 Cap 1 cards both in my married name, and those are the only items that appear on my report. I know my "real" report with my maiden name list everything, but not the 2 I pulled today using my married name. And, no, I did not go the "get a new ssn route", there are just 2 reports floating around on me now, with the same ssn, I think!
  5. toromio

    toromio Well-Known Member

    Sooo, instead of the marriage penalty, there is a "bonus" in credit-land?
  6. me

    me Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, your credit report is linked to your social security number, not your name. If it were that easy, everyone would just change their name.
  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    If that's the case then 10 kids ought to do wonders for her FICO. And if that's true, just imagine the FICO the woman must have who has had 44 kids. FICO WONDER WOMAN. lol

    I remember a story that came out in GLOBE or TATTLER or one of those rags about a woman down in South America somewhere that actually had 44 kids. The story said she couldn't even remember all their names as many were dead at the time of the story. That was probably about 10 or 15 years ago I read that story in a grocery store one time.
  8. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean. For some reason, the file has gotten segregated. It has happened to me and it has happened to my boyfriend. The social security numbers are the same but the names are different in some way. In my case, my nickname is on one report and my given name is on the other. On my boyfriends report, his last name is spelled slightly different. But in answer to your question, when a creditor pulls your file, they will pull both of your files. I called Equifax and asked them why I get just one file and they told me that whichever one lists first is the one the consumer will see. I have just sent a letter out to Equifax today to try and merge my boyfriends file back together. I had to provide his drivers license, social security card and a bill with his correct name on it. Hope this helps.
  9. myschae

    myschae Well-Known Member

    I would count on the mortgage company getting your entire report (pre and post marriage). In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if after you apply your files are merged together.

    For some reason the way mortgage companies pull their three reports seems to standardize the information. At least that was my experience after my refinance last month. All three of the big ones have the same EXACT information. Including the incorrect year of my birth LOL.

  10. myschae

    myschae Well-Known Member

    Oh, Congratulations on your recent marriage! ;)
  11. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Did you have negs on a report that were added to a different report ?
  12. myschae

    myschae Well-Known Member

    No, no negs ;) Just funny that they are all reporting the same incorrect information (the year of my birth) and the exact same accounts and balances.


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