How long....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kittw1, Nov 20, 2001.

  1. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    does it take for you report to update once a creditor agrees to update something in your favor? Will this R3 that I will be getting help me versus the R9 in terms of score adjustments?
  2. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    length of time could be up to maybe 120 days or more.
    the r3 will help some, yes
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Speed it up! If you wait for the updates to automatically hit it can take forever. Have the creditor send you a letter or even better fax it. As soon as you get it call the CRA and start a new investigation. If you fax the letter as proof, it can be done in a week!
  4. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I do not think tipping off the credit bureaus about the agreement is at all a good idea. The CRA's all push companies pretty hard not to alter or delete information. By her telling them what happened, that just sets her up for trouble. It sucks, but I would wait for a "natural" update.
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    What have you been smoking? Oh wait, you automatically disagree with everything I say.

    Why would it be a bad idea to improve her credit sooner? Can you simply answer that?
  6. jzilla

    jzilla Well-Known Member

    Oh wait, you antagonize everyone who disagrees with you!
  7. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't care if my friends such as Erica, Supershawn, MP$40, etc. said it.

    I humbly disagree with the idea of tipping off a credit bureau that an agreement to change seemingly accurate info was made.
  8. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    It's rather delightful to know that a meeting of the minds has occurred during my plight. Thank you ever so much for the advice. I guess I willhave to monitor my free CE until my 30 days is up and see what happens. To my wonderful credit team, thanks for the input.
  9. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I'm not quite sure what context you meant that post. Seems to me that your reply was a little bit like the small boy who asked his parents how wars got started. After about 10 minutes of his parents argueing about the proper answer he said, "never mind. Now I know all about how wars get started."
    Maybe you didn't mean it that way. I really couldn't tell, but all the other opinions not withstanding, my personal opinion is that one should never provide the credit bureaus with any information they don't already have for any reason whatever. Providing them with the fact that you had left them out of the loop would just about cook the goose for you.

    Too often we only look at what our aims and interests are and tend to adopt the means to accomplish our ends instead of looking at things from the other fellow's point of view.

    Past experience pretty well proves that they would view your providing them with such information would cause them to go back to the creditor or collector and raise cain with them for attempting to remove information that was obviously true and correct in the first place and that they had sort of certified as being true and correct when they provided it to the credit bureau.

    So looking at it from the credit bureau's point of view I would say that the best thing you could do is to just sit back and wait for the collection agency or the creditor (whoever) to do their job and raise cain with them if they don't.

    Just my opinion, for whatever it's worth.
  10. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it SAD when you can't even HUMBLY DISAGREE w/ someone on this board anymore??? So sad :-(

    We all know that we've gotten ACCURATE information deleted from our credit files. To inform a CRA of an arrangement that you made between yourself and a creditor would not be a good idea. It would be different if it was erroneous information that was being deleted. To make an arrangement with a creditor for deletion is the equivalent of going to jail for a crime you committed to turn around and be pardoned by the Governor because your rich uncle paid him! Now do you see where I'm coming from? CRA's have a bigtime problem with this. I would just sit and wait. I've made negotiations w/ collection agencies before. 1 deleted rather quickly, the other NEVER held up to their agreement. The only reason why the trade was deleted was because they didn't respond to the investigation after the 3 time I disputed it! They were supposed to notify the CRA's and they never did.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I think you are rite-You pretty well explained why in your other post.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I think it's worth a bunch.
    Good advice!
  13. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member


    Hi Everyone! Been away, but jumped in for a minute to peek around....doesn't look like much has changed (snicker).

    I have had success adding items to my report- Almost every case involved me getting a letter sent to me AND the CRA's. I sent a copy of the letter to the CRA's via return receiprt (even though the creditor already had). It still, depending on the CRA, took from 30 days to 3 months.

    If you search for "adding to reports" and look for my thread, I think I even detailed how much time each creditor took.

    Erica will be flying down today to DE (and I will be flying up) to meet my parents and have dinner(s) with my family (HUGE). They are very excited to meet her.

    We are going to take advantage of a 'transfer' offer I have had within my employer that will move us to the Charlotte, NC, area. We have the choice of a semi-short term stay or relocation. We have the house in Atlanta but will be put up in temporary housing (sounds crappy, but its actually a sweet one)by my company for this project. We will have to see how things go.......She's moving down in about 2.5 weeks!

    Hope you guys have a great T-Day! Hopefully I (or we) can be on more soon when things calm down a little....and maybe you guys will learn to get along by then! LOL!


    (more pics coming up real soon...and a streaming video -no, the wedding, not the honeymoon, Doc!...keep checking the yahoo pics page)
  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Heh, heh, heh. Shucks.

  15. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I suggest getting a fax from the creditors. Then contact the CRA's tell them yu have written proof and tell them you are looking to finance a house and the lender wants this taken care of. I have successfully done this on 2 items on my report.
  16. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    thanks again...will ponder the many words of wisdom and will update you all with what happens
  17. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    If the completeness or accuracy of any item of information contained in a consumer's file at a consumer reporting agency is disputed by the consumer and the consumer notifies the agency directly of such dispute, the agency shall reinvestigate free of charge and record the current status of the disputed information, or delete the item from the file in accordance with paragraph (5), before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the agency receives the notice of the dispute from the consumer.

    - Fair Credit Reporting Act

    Does that apply to you?

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