Equifax -Report too big?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by phylisrn, Nov 21, 2001.

  1. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to get a copy of my credit report and score from Equifax online. The system won't generate one for me. When I call equifax they say that my report is too large and can't be generated. I was told to ask my lender for my score. I have tried qspace and privista too. They won't give me the report either. So i guess I will never know what my FICO score is. The supervisor offered to send me a complimentary copy of my report but that was all she could do. Has this ever happened to anyone?

  2. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Yes, this has happened to me. In fact, it happens to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to get my Equifax report.

    What you have to do is to call Equifax (888-532-0179) and demand that they make your score and report available to you online. They will then write an email to their technical support group who will try to fix the problem for you. Make sure that the rep gives you a reference number so you can follow up with them later if you need to.

    In my experience, your report and score usually will be available on their site within 7-10 days of the date you originally ordered it online. Contrary to their promises, Equifax usually will not notify you by email that it is available for viewing; you need to check periodically yourself.

    Unfortunately, you will continue to encounter this problem each and every time you request a new score and/or report. It happens to me every time.
    In fact, I ordered my score online yesterday and the same thing happened to me once again. I am now waiting for their technical group to make the product available for me. This is a total joke.

    I have begged, pleaded, and yelled at them at least ten times regarding this problem, and my complaints fall on deaf ears. There is an obvious problem with the way their system is set up, and they are doing nothing to fix it. I know that there are tons of other consumers experiencing this very problem, yet they don't seem to give a damn about us. Ugh!

    I hope you get your report and/or score soon. Good luck.

  3. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    Oh Chris, i call that same number everyday and try to get my report online everyday. At least the systems topped charging me. They used to charge me even when it never gave me a report. They all say we will send it to technical support and will get back to you later. I asked for a supervisor and she said she would get back to me--well she did and told me at this time my report/score was unavailable and she didn't know when it would be available. Of course my regular report is avaible only if i call them.
  4. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Phyl, you just have to push them hard. I have always gotten my report, even though it usually takes a while before I get it. Keep calling and bugging them, they will get you squared away. Persistence is the key here. Don't let them take advantage of you. Best of luck.

  5. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know what the law says on this credit score? Do I have a right to know my score with Equifax? EquifaX is not budging with me on this issue.

  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    they are following the law by giving you access to your account by mail. They are not obligated to give you online access.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Not 100% positive, but I think if you CAN'T get it on-line, they MUST give you the report and score by mail...
  8. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    They are NOT giving me access to my score online or in the mail. They claim that the Fico score can only be generated online and at this time my score is unavailable to me cause my report is too big. I called customer service and she said that my report is not too big. but of course she couldn't help me. She told me to call back to web services and ask for a supervisor. I told her not only had I talked to a supervisor, but the supervisor has sent me an email stating that at this time my products will not be available online because of an 'internal' situation. They offered to send me my regular report in the mail but they claim that there is no way that the mail report can have a score, and they claim they don't have access to the score. so.......


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    No access to the score?

    Probably a scam.

    Have you tried it on a different browser?

    I have lot of problems with EXPERIAN on NETSCAPE, but it works fine on INTERNET EXPLORER...
  10. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    why can't they give you a verbal on your score after receiving report by snail mail??? What have you put in writing. I would send a letter, reading them the riot act, noting every single phone call. I would tell them i am filing a complaint with ftc. I am looking over the FCRA right now, for possible violations.

    You should tell them to send your mail reports. It could be used as evidence if you have case.
  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I wish I didn't know the answer to this, but I do because it happened to me. Equifax split your file. You actually have two credit reports now is the reason you can not get it online.

    I jumped through all of their hoops, talking with a rep, supervisior and manager on the 800# without any luck. Finally, I asked to speak with the VP. Tracy the manager of Team #2 told me that he did not accept telephone calls but I could write him. She claimed his name was Bob Cutrone and gave me an address, but it was more smoke and mirrors.

    Who you need to call is the Office of Consumer Affairs. Bob was the manager, but has been overseas for more than six months! You would think the CS Manager would know who her boss was. Anyway, the new VP is Robin Holland who's office can be reached at 770-375-3114 or you can snail mail them at PO Box 105139, Atlanta GA 30348. Anyone who works in that office seems to know their stuff and can help you. What you need them to do is merge your two files back to one. They'll do it ON THE PHONE and send you out a new copy via mail that day.

    Good luck!
  12. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    I repeat... the problem is not getting a report in the mail, they have offered to do that several times. I want my score and they say the only way to get the score is through online. I called consumer of office affairs and they said that this was 'the web/technical' ppl concern and all she could do was mail me a copy of my report but it wouldn't have my score. I asked her the if she could just tell me what my score was :))) She said that they don't have access to that info.

  13. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    And I repeat the problem is "report too big" is a split file. If you would listen to what I said in my previous post, they'll combine the files into one which will give you access to it.

    Beat your head against the wall if you want... or listen to the advice that will get the results you are looking for.......... Your choice. I'm done!

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